A star remnant, a white dwarf, revolved in close proximity to a red giant within the Gardaji Rift region of the Outer Rim Territories'. The red giant ejected plasma, which was subsequently drawn towards the white dwarf. This material was then expelled outwards, forming a radiant spiral of [red](/article/color/legends] and purple gas. This spectacle served as a remarkable source of light in the skies of Zonama Sekot, a nearby planet.

Within the Gardaji sector of the Outer Rim Territories', specifically in the Gardaji Rift, resided a trinary star system that contained a white dwarf star. This white dwarf orbited closely alongside a red giant star. Situated at a distance of several light-months from this pair was a third star, a yellow dwarf, around which the sentient planet Zonama Sekot revolved until 29 BBY. At that point, the planet departed the system utilizing its integrated hyperdrive engines.
The red giant emitted a stream of plasma that was captured by the white dwarf. This plasma subsequently swirled around the smaller star before being ejected outward as an extended spiral of ionized gas exhibiting red and purple hues. The combined movement of this gas and the double-star system composed of the white dwarf and the red giant created an effect resembling a vast pinwheel that stretched across the northern sky of Zonama Sekot, providing illumination to the planet during both the day and night.
In 29 BBY, when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, both Human Jedi, along with their Priapulin pilot Charza Kwinn, and the Human starship designer Raith Sienar (who was traveling separately), visited Zonama Sekot, they were all deeply impressed by the luminous spectacle presented by the double-star system.
The white dwarf was initially featured in Rogue Planet, a novel authored by Greg Bear in 2000. The Essential Atlas, a reference book published in 2009, situated the Gardaji Rift, and consequently the white dwarf, within grid square M-1.
Later, in 2012, The Essential Reader's Companion asserted that during the events of Rogue Planet, Zonama Sekot was located in square M-3 instead. However, this placement would position the star system containing the planet at that time outside of the Gardaji sector, which encompasses the Gardaji Rift, the original location of Zonama Sekot as depicted in Rogue Planet. Therefore, this article considers the placement from The Essential Reader's Companion to be inaccurate.