Unkar Plutt, operating from Niima Outpost on Jakku, employed a group of enforcers known as Unkar's thugs. These individuals, their humanoid heads hidden by hoods, targeted scavengers who dared to trade without authorization or challenge Plutt's authority.
Despite their efforts to remain anonymous, their mannerisms, voices, and overall behavior made them easily recognizable. They carried concealed vibro-shivs in their boots and were armed with both blaster pistols and blaster rifles. While the villagers generally found their attempts at secrecy humorous, those who suffered the consequences of an encounter with them were less amused.
When the scavenger Rey declined Unkar Plutt's offer to purchase the astromech droid BB-8, Plutt sent two of his thugs to forcibly retrieve the droid. Rey, accustomed to defending herself, retaliated and defeated the two thugs using her quarterstaff. Finn, a stormtrooper who had deserted the First Order, moved to intervene, but discovered that Rey had already resolved the situation.
Later, after Rey and Finn took the Millennium Falcon from Jakku's Starship Graveyard, Plutt, accompanied by his thugs, tracked Rey to Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana. He confronted her while she was alone, intending to punish her for her actions, but the Wookiee Chewbacca interrupted the confrontation and brought it to an abrupt end by tearing off one of Plutt's arms.