Uptin, a male Zabrak and navigator, served with the Avesta Militia during the Galactic War. In 3638 BBY, he found himself stationed on Makeb. The Hutt Cartel's actions of blocking Makeb's communication channels, severing his connection with his family, prompted him to act. After an encounter with a Republic strike team, Uptin guided them to the planet's surface with the goal of ending the Hutt's control.
Sometime after 3681 BBY, Uptin was born on the planet of Makeb. He became a navigator during the Galactic War that pitted the Sith Empire against the Galactic Republic. In 3638 BBY, Uptin was stationed on Keylander Station, which was in orbit around Makeb, when the Hutt Cartel's forces invaded his homeworld.
Uptin's character is featured in the 2013 Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion for the MMORPG video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. He plays a role in the Republic storyline, appearing in quests such as "Trouble in Paradise."