Video game (in-universe)

A video game represented a form of interactive entertainment that individuals could engage with.

Behind the scenes

Gundark Trainer, a video game

Roan Novachez, a pupil attending the Jedi academy situated inside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, found pleasure in partaking in video games alongside his acquaintances. He would frequently play them together with Pasha.

Following Roan's association with the tormentors Cronah and Cyrus, he commenced playing video games alongside them that possessed a significantly greater degree of brutality compared to those he typically enjoyed with Pasha, an example being Gundark Trainer.

Galactic Emperor Palpatine derived enjoyment from playing video games and would occasionally delegate his less savory duties to Darth Vader so he could complete a game level.

Although the Star Wars universe has been portrayed across numerous computer and video games, Return of the Padawan signifies the initial instance of their incorporation as an element of the narrative, albeit in a non-canonical manner. Author and illustrator Jeffrey Brown conceived of Gundark Trainer specifically for Return of the Padawan, however, the ultimate visual presentation showcased a capture from the game itself, as opposed to displaying the game's title.

