Uueg Tching

Uueg Tching, a Kitel Phard Dynasty male and the 54th Emperor of Atrisia, gained notoriety for maintaining order through methods like espionage, assassination, and the art of deception. His leadership facilitated the suppression of over thirty rebellions against his rule. The Galactic Empire, later established by Palpatine approximately 3,000 years following Uueg's death, drew inspiration from Uueg's empire.

Upon Uueg's rise to Emperor, several new continents were discovered on his homeworld. He successfully unified these continents through oppressive measures, ultimately leading to the Atrisian Empire dominating the entire planet. Widely respected by his people, Uueg was constantly accompanied by scribes who meticulously documented his teachings on scrolls. These scrolls eventually became known as the Sayings, containing lessons intended to guide his descendants to success in their own reigns. However, following his death, few members of the Tching Dynasty truly understood his teachings, although those who did experienced exceptionally prosperous rule. Centuries after Uueg's era, the Sayings achieved widespread recognition across the galaxy, being quoted at Commission for the Protection of the Republic rallies, within historical texts, and as part of the training for all new members of Imperial Intelligence.



Born over 3,000 years prior to the Battle of Yavin, during the height of the Galactic Republic, Uueg Tching was a Human male. As a native of Atrisia (also known as Kitel Phard), the primary planet of the Atrisi system, and a member of the Kitel Phard Dynasty, he eventually ascended to the position of the 54th Atrisian Emperor. The Kitel Phard Dynasty, nearly as old as the Republic itself, was notorious for its violent approach to resolving disputes, often resorting to significant bloodshed and open conflict. Uueg aimed to transform this tradition.

Possessing a sharp intellect for espionage, deception, diplomacy, and strategy, Uueg integrated these elements into his operational methods, employing them effectively throughout his reign. Shortly after becoming Emperor, the discovery of several new continents on Atrisia presented Uueg with the challenge of unifying the world and annexing these newly found territories. Employing tactics such as infiltration, assassination, and espionage—methods far more subtle than the conventional approaches on his homeworld—Uueg successfully expanded the reach of the Atrisian Empire, ultimately gaining direct and indirect control over the entire planet. Under Uueg's rule, an unprecedented level of order was established, and over thirty rebellions against him were effectively suppressed. While many considered his rule tyrannical, the majority of his subjects respected him, believing that he and the Kitel Phard Dynasty had ushered in a golden age. Furthermore, Uueg established Atrisian script as the planet's official alphabet, extending its use across the entire planet for the first time since its standardization by the First Atrisian Emperor.

Highly regarded on his home planet, Uueg was accompanied by a group of scribes who diligently recorded his teachings on governance. He began instructing potential heirs through grim parables and analogies. One such parable involved a gardener who, through keen observation, identified signs of decay within a tree and made incisions through healthy bark to heal it. Uueg asserted that those who benefited from the tree were indebted to the gardener for its upkeep. In this analogy, the tree represented an empire like Uueg's, the decay symbolized corruption, the users of its shade represented the empire's subjects, and the gardener symbolized the ruler who maintained order. Another teaching outlined three methods for defeating an enemy: direct confrontation, allowing the enemy to self-destruct, or internal sabotage. Uueg advocated for the use of all three methods when dealing with adversaries.

These lessons, later documented by his scribes and titled the Sayings, were intended to serve as a guide for his descendants. The scribes wrote in black ink on scrolls using Atrisian script, with Uueg's handwritten additions etched in red ink. Eventually, Uueg passed away, and a new Atrisian Empire of the Tching Dynasty took his place.


While few of Uueg's descendants truly grasped his teachings, those who did—notably Oeana Tching, known as the "Invisible Empress," and Eoaq the Expansive—achieved remarkable success during their reigns. The original Sayings document was safely stored in the Rare Books Department of the Atrisian Imperial Historical Library on Atrisia for over 3,000 years. Around 1500 BBY, a limited number of copies of the Sayings were printed as part of a propaganda campaign by the then-Emperor of Atrisia, who sought to emphasize the supposed superiority of his ancestor to enhance his own standing among the nobility.

The original manuscript of Uueg Tching's Sayings.

Uueg's empire, like most such systems, had a limited lifespan. Shortly before 539 BBY, the Atrisian Parliament seized power from the nobles. One of the Parliament's initial actions, aimed at demonstrating their newly acquired authority and generating revenue, was to publicly release the Sayings on an accessible database. Centuries later, the Sayings, particularly Uueg's advice on dealing with enemies, became widely known throughout the galaxy. Tra-Skan-Lor, the Director of the Special Acquisitions Branch of the Library of the Republic, was fascinated by the wisdom contained within Tching's Sayings and required his subordinates to study them, leading to the work's deep integration into the Branch's culture.

During the Clone Wars, members of the Commission for the Protection of the Republic's SAGroup publicly quoted Uueg Tching's Sayings about eliminating corruption during a ceremony on Coruscant, intended to show their support for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Palpatine eventually dissolved the Republic, establishing the first Galactic Empire, which was modeled after the ancient empires of Atrisia, among others. In 1 BBY, Palpatine ordered the original manuscript of the Sayings to be moved to the Galactic Museum on Coruscant, but it was soon relocated to Palpatine's private vault of ancient artifacts. Historians speculated that Emperor Palpatine desired the scrolls as a trophy, having already mastered Uueg's methods. Uueg's Sayings became mandatory reading for all new recruits of Imperial Intelligence. Following the Liberation of Coruscant, the original Sayings scrolls were taken to the Deep Core, and despite her efforts, New Republic historian Corellia Antilles was unable to locate them. She hoped that recovering the scrolls would improve relations between the New Republic and the Atrisian Commonwealth. Uueg's quote on defeating enemies remained well-known as of the Yuuzhan Vong War, which began in 25 ABY.

Personality and traits

Uueg Tching was consumed by a thirst for power, which he tenaciously held onto. Despite this, he displayed strong patriotism and genuine care for his subjects. He despised corruption and actively worked to eliminate it during his reign. Uueg was a skilled strategist, always prepared with multiple approaches to deal with his adversaries. He was ruthless in his rule, unifying his planet through force and suppressing dissent without hesitation. Focused on the future, he hoped his descendants would effectively utilize his teachings. Uueg was willing to employ questionable methods to achieve his objectives, utilizing espionage, deception, and calculated assassination as essential tools.

Behind the scenes

The character of Uueg Tching was initially mentioned in the first edition of Greg Gorden's Imperial Sourcebook, published in October 1989.

