Atrisi system

The Atrisi system constituted a component of the Core Worlds sector, specifically within the area known as the Atrisian Commonwealth. Situated along the Giju Run hyperlane, it encompassed the planet of Atrisia, which served as the homeworld for the Human race known as the Atrisians. Atrisia achieved unification under the Atrisian Empire, guided by the Kitel Phard Dynasty. Consequently, the inhabitants of the Atrisi system deeply respected the dynasty, leading to the planet being alternatively referred to as "Kitel Phard."

Notably, the artillery parameter referred to as the FD number gained significant traction within the Atrisi system at some point. As the Atrisians advanced to interstellar travel, their home system integrated into the Atrisian Commonwealth. Later, it became a part of the Galactic Republic and its subsequent iterations: the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, and ultimately, Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.


The Atrisian Commonwealth, a sector of space found in the Southern Core region of the Core Worlds, contained the Atrisi system. The primary planet within the Atrisi system was the terrestrial world of Atrisia, also recognized as Kitel Phard.

The star system was positioned at the terminus of the hyperlane called the Giju Run. This route, after a brief diversion through the Colonies, linked it to the Dahrtag system in the Core Worlds. Furthermore, a series of hyperspace routes extended beyond the Atrisi system, establishing connections to a complex network of stars and, ultimately, the astronomical entity known as Irkalla situated in the Unknown Regions.


Early history

The Atrisi system eventually became a part of the Atrisian Commonwealth.

At some undefined point, the inhabitants of Atrisia developed a pre-spaceflight civilization on their homeworld, characterized by multiple nations spread across various continents. The Atrisian Empire, under the governance of the Kitel Phard Dynasty, subsequently brought about the unification of Atrisia. The planet's inhabitants continued to honor the dynasty for an extended time, leading to Atrisia's subsequent designation as "Kitel Phard."

Eventually, the Atrisians ventured beyond their home planet, which then became one of around 200 settled worlds comprising the Atrisian Commonwealth. The Galactic Republic explored the region of space around the Atrisi system sometime between 5000 BBY and 3996 BBY, thus integrating it into the recognized civilized galaxy. Interaction with the independent Atrisian Commonwealth spurred the growth of the Southern Core, encompassing a region of the Core Worlds and the Colonies.

Part of the wider galaxy

By 137 ABY, the Atrisi system was a part of the Core Worlds Security Zone.

While the area surrounding the Atrisi system was either unaligned or contested by the Republic or the Brotherhood of Darkness by 1000 BBY, Atrisia was within the Republic's boundaries during the Clone Wars spanning from 22 to 19 BBY. During the initial stages of this conflict, the Twentieth Army of the Republic Military was assigned to defend the Atrisia area against the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Shortly after the Commerce Guild acquired the planet Ukio during the Clone Wars, the Atrisi system appeared on a galactic map displayed on a viewscreen at a facility overseen by Passel Argente, the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance. A Republic HoloNet News report on the date 14:9:04 also mentioned the Kitel Phard Dynasty of the Atrisi system.

By 17 BBY, Atrisia was situated within the Galactic Empire's controlled space. At some point before the Battle of Yavin, the FD number, a metric characterizing the combat effectiveness of military artillery, became prominently used in the Atrisi system. Major Arhul Hextrophon, a historian for the Rebel Alliance, referenced the star system in a collection of Imperial documents intended for Alliance Supreme Commander Mon Mothma and other Rebel officers.

Following the death of Galactic Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Atrisia declared its independence from the Empire. The Atrisian Commonwealth subsequently joined the Empire's successor, the New Republic, as an Allied Region. By 137 ABY, the Atrisi system had been integrated into the Core Worlds Security Zone, an administrative division of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.


Humans colonized Atrisia, the primary planet in the Atrisi system. They are generally believed to have originated from the Core Worlds planet of Coruscant. Despite eventually achieving interstellar travel, the Atrisians maintained a relatively isolated culture, although some individuals, such as Rom Mohc, who served in the Republic Military during the Clone Wars, ventured beyond their homeworld. Around 25 ABY, the population of the Atrisi system ranged from 100 million to 500 million.

Behind the scenes

The Atrisi system was first mentioned in the Imperial Sourcebook.

The Imperial Sourcebook, a 1989 supplement by Greg Gorden for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, introduced the Atrisi system. The book once misspelled the system's name as "Artisian system." In the Appendix of The Essential Atlas (2009) and its Online Companion, as well as galactic maps in The Essential Atlas and The Essential Guide to Warfare (2012), the Atrisi system was referenced by the name of its primary planet, Kitel Phard.

When writing The Essential Atlas, Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry situated Atrisia in the Core Worlds due to prior sources highlighting the planet's antiquity and cultural significance. However, they deliberately placed it on the region's edge, within grid square J-12, near the explored galactic territories' border. This was intended to make Atrisia appear more exotic and offer future Star Wars media creators compelling narrative opportunities.

"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," a 1990 roleplaying game article in Voyages SF magazine's thirteenth issue, had previously placed the Atrisi system in the Harron sector. Because the article was not released under Lucas Licensing, its canonicity within Star Wars Legends was unconfirmed. The Essential Atlas ultimately superseded the Voyages SF 13 placement, establishing the Atrisi system, and therefore Atrisia, outside the Expansion Region where the Harron sector was later located. The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct, a webcomic by Pablo Hidalgo on during the 2009–2010 second season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, marked the Atrisi system's debut.

