Uzall started life in 18 BBY and was born to become a cadet at Lothal's Academy for Young Imperials. He was placed in Unit Besh, which was a part of the squad known as LRC077. Early on at the academy, Uzall took part in a training simulation inside the Well, a facility constructed for training purposes. He partnered with Nazhros Oleg to progress, but Oleg ultimately turned against him. Uzall later participated in a separate training drill, but was defeated by Jai Kell, "Dev Morgan" and Zare Leonis, failing to achieve a high ranking. Later in the term, Uzall was among a group of concerned cadets who heard a rumor that the Galactic Empire was conducting arbitrary interrogations of its cadets, and that over two dozen cadets had been expelled from a Lothal academy. Leonis dismissed this as hearsay and cautioned his fellow cadets against believing such rumors without direct confirmation. As the Empire's oppression intensified, Uzall was involved in group searches carried out by the cadets across Lothal. Uzall and Giles had accumulated the highest point total, largely due to their discovery of a weapons smuggler who was a fugitive. Uzall, along with all the other cadets in Unit Besh, were seen as having the potential to become officers.