Valiri, a male Skrilling from the legends of the Jedi, was a Jedi Knight who dedicated his service to the Jedi Order during the concluding decades of the Galactic Republic.
As was common for Jedi of that period, Valiri had no memory of his own induction into the Jedi Order, having been brought there as a very young child. Reflecting on the circumstances under which he was given to the Order, Valiri speculated that his parents, whom he made no attempt to find, were likely caught looting by Jedi and offered him to the Order in exchange for their own freedom. His earliest recollections were of the beautiful Coruscant sunset viewed from the Jedi Temple, which served as his home from his earliest years. Growing up within the Temple, Valiri progressed through the Temple's academy within a clan, eventually reaching an age where he was chosen to become a Padawan. Setting himself apart from many of the typical Skrilling characteristics, he redirected the inherent Skrilling talent for begging, transforming it into a skill for diplomatic negotiation. He made a point of never lying and vowed to never use the traditional Skrilling defensive vomiting on any opponent. He viewed vomiting on an enemy as a defilement for both himself and the target. Successfully completing his Trials of Knighthood, Valiri was granted the title of Jedi Knight by the esteemed Jedi High Council.
Through independent study, Valiri pursued the path of the Jedi Sentinel, aspiring to join the ranks of the Jedi investigators. During his studies, Valiri formed a friendship with fellow Knight Constanten, and the two frequently engaged in sparring matches during their free time. Recognized for his skill as a Jedi, his diplomatic abilities, and his investigative prowess, Valiri was approached by Jedi Master Lanius Qel-Bertuk, the Headmaster of the experimental academy located on Almas. In need of instructors, Qel-Bertuk was willing to bring Valiri on as a teacher, even though the Skrilling was not a Master. Although Valiri was not previously acquainted with Qel-Bertuk, he ultimately accepted the offer, becoming a respected member of the academy's teaching staff.
Like many investigators, Valiri leveraged his skills to become a proficient recruiter for the Order. Working in conjunction with the Acquisition Division, the Skrilling utilized his impressive diplomatic skills to persuade the parents of Force-sensitive newborns that the most appropriate course of action was to entrust their children to the Jedi Order.
When the unrest between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems escalated into the full-blown conflict known as the Clone Wars, Valiri exercised his Right of Denial when the High Council on Coruscant issued orders for all Jedi to assume military positions within the Grand Army of the Republic. Choosing to remain on Almas, where many other Jedi had also declined the call to arms, Valiri continued his regular duties within the Cularin system. Shortly after the onset of the war, the Almas Council tasked Valiri with the protection of the ancient fortress belonging to the long-deceased Sith Lord Darth Rivan. Given that the Order had only recently regained control of the complex, the Council desired a substantial task force to gather around the fortress while an exploratory team conducted research on the building's contents without interference. Concerned about a potential assault by the dark side sect known as the Believers, the Council assigned Valiri and five other Knights to guard the fortress's entrance. Stationed at the south entrance alongside Jedi Constanten, the two friends maintained watch over the darkened doors as the research team, consisting of approximately fourteen Jedi, carried out their studies inside.
While on guard duty, the Dark Side Adept Phylus Mon conjured a sandstorm to conceal the approach of his followers. A raiding party of ten launched an attack on the fortress, with one group stealthily approaching and killing Constanten. Even after witnessing his friend's death, Valiri refrained from vomiting on the attackers, instead choosing to observe them and analyze their fighting techniques. He assessed that the Barabel bounty hunter [Yerj] was likely intelligent and dangerous, while the Spiner, Nalz, wisely remained beyond the reach of a lightsaber while staying within range for his spine attack. He also noted that the Wookiee and the Trandoshan, who were exchanging insults during the battle, posed a greater threat to each other than to their intended targets.
Ultimately, the raiders overwhelmed the Jedi guards, leaving Valiri and Constanten barely alive, and the other four Jedi dead. The sandstorm hindered the other Jedi's ability to see and contact these two, preventing any reinforcements from arriving. The raiders entered the fortress to perform a Sith ritual, during which Phylus Mon decided to use both Valiri and Constanten, along with four of his own slaves and one of his allies, to transform them into Sith battlelords. However, the ritual went awry, and the Force-essences of the intended Battlelords were torn from their bodies. They remained alive, but their souls were stored in a crystal that Mon took with him upon departing.
Soon after, Master Qel-Bertuk organized at least three search parties to investigate the fortress, locate those responsible for the attack, and find the missing Jedi. The search teams discovered all the "empty" bodies and transported them to the Almas Academy, where the Jedi began to analyze their unusual condition. An accidental manipulation by Jedi librarian Oden Malksch resulted in Malksch's Force-essence possessing one of the bodies, that of Karae Nalvas, and later uncovering the location where Phylus Mon was keeping the crystal containing the stored essences. Master Qel-Bertuk decided to dispatch a team to destroy the crystal and release the Force-essences, allowing them to return to their respective owners. The empty bodies were made available to the team, should any of them wish to emulate Malksch and "borrow" one during the raid on Phylus Mon's headquarters. The attack on Mon's base was successful, and Valiri's Force-essence was restored to his body. Shortly thereafter, the Skrilling Knight was able to resume active duty in the Cularin system.
Valiri was a stocky, 1.7-meter-tall Skrilling with mottled gray skin. His Jedi robes and overall demeanor conveyed an elegance that surpassed that of most other Skrillings.
In the adventure A Mon Alone, a player character can, at a certain point, inhabit this non-player character's body and utilize Valiri's statistics until his essence is freed (meaning Valiri's essence returns to Valiri's body and the PC's essence returns to the PC's unconscious body), or until Valiri's body is killed in action. The text indicates that some of the final scenes are so perilous that they could easily result in the death of the player characters.