Kedpin Shoklop, Vaporator Salesbeing of the Year
The title of Vaporator Salesbeing of the Year and the associated award were supposedly given to the best moisture vaporator salesperson at VaporTech. The reward was always a two-week vacation with all expenses paid on a glamorous planet. Coruscant held this honor for a number of years, but by 34 ABY, the casino world of Canto Bight had been the destination for several decades.
In the year 34 ABY, a male Wermal known as Kedpin Shoklop received this award. Despite being a consistently high-performing salesperson at the company for many years, Shoklop had never managed to win the prize, despite his best efforts. After finally winning, he suppressed the memory of how he actually achieved it. The prize was, in reality, a sham, consistently awarded to favored employees and top-level management rather than those who had earned it through hard work. Knowing this, he took matters into his own hands, hacking into the company's computer system to name himself the victor. Everyone was taken by surprise, except for management, who decided to keep his cheating a secret in order to protect the secret that the system was rigged. Shoklop's experiences on Canto Bight ultimately forced him to confront the truth of the situation, both to himself and to Anglang Lehet. While he was not happy about being a cheater, he felt that the unfairness of the system had pushed him to that point.