Anglang Lehet was a male Caskadag who dedicated over a century to the criminal underworld, working for the Cularin Syndicate. Lehet once passed an evening in the city of Canto Bight, a casino hub, in the company of Kedpin Shoklop, a vaporator salesperson.

For a duration of one hundred and two years, Anglang Lehet functioned as an enforcer for the Cularin Syndicate. He eventually secured his exit by paying them off, under the condition that he avoided any interference with their operations. Subsequent to his departure from the Syndicate, Anglang transitioned to freelance work. In this capacity, he sometimes killed individuals who were innocent to fulfill his contractual obligations, an act that caused him significant distress.
Following his departure from the Syndicate, Anglang established himself in Canto Bight on Cantonica, accepting various contracts. He took on the role of a mentor for aspiring criminals. The Canto Bight Police Department permitted Lehet to conduct his activities in return for Lehet providing them with information about his students.