Vashan (language)

Vashan was the language utilized by the Vashans, a sentient species indigenous to the planet Vasha, which was located within the Outer Rim Territories. It existed in both an oral and a written form, and generally, Vashans were fluent in both. Poina Tuc-shol, a swordsman of this species, possessed proficiency in both spoken and written Vashan. Saqc'or, a Svivreni miner and metallurgist residing on the planet Thonner, along with Groex Gal, an Ebranite scout, mountaineer, and tour guide on the moon Qina, were also capable of speaking Vashan, though they could not write it.

Behind the scenes

The language Vashan first appeared in the ninth issue of the magazine Star Wars Gamer, released on February 22, 2002. Within that particular issue, the language was referenced in the source article titled "Endor and the Moddell Sector" and also in the roleplaying adventure titled "Race for the Tessent," both of which were designed for use with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game published by Wizards of the Coast. Notably, in the latter source, the language's name is occasionally misspelled as "Vashon."

