Versimillipedes, characterized by their brown skin and quadrupedal locomotion, represented a unique species inhabiting planets such as Jedha, Kenari, and Khofar. Close to the Catacombs of Cadera, one such versimillipede ascended a rocky cliffside in 0 BBY, just prior to the Death Star's superweapon causing the decimated destruction of the surrounding area.
The versimillipede made its initial appearance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a 2016 film belonging to the Anthology series. Pablo Hidalgo, a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group, coined the species's name during a visual effects review session for the film. It was originally a discarded design for a tree creature on Scarif. Their identification initially occurred in the "[Every Creature in the Star Wars Movies](link to video)" video, which Star Wars Kids' YouTube channel released in 2019. The design was later repurposed for "That Would Be Me," an episode of the television show Andor. Tyler Scarlet was responsible for the concept art.