Vildar Blin, a male Human, held the rank of corporal and functioned as a scout within the Alliance Special Forces throughout the Galactic Civil War. Subsequent to his brother's act of familial betrayal by enlisting with the Galactic Empire's Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, Blin became a member of the Rebel underground located in the Bormea sector. He later served the Alliance High Command at Echo Base, their headquarters situated on the ice planet of Hoth. During the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, Blin met his death while attacking a disabled All Terrain Armored Transport; the AT-AT was destroyed by friendly fire from a Rebel snowspeeder, causing it to explode.

Formerly, Vildar Blin was part of the local security force stationed on the planet of Corulag, situated within the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds. However, after his brother betrayed their family by aligning himself with the Imperial Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, Blin joined the sector's Rebel underground. He was eventually assigned to Echo Base, the headquarters of Alliance High Command, located on the Outer Rim Territories ice planet Hoth. There, he served as a corporal within the Alliance Special Forces.
During the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, which represented the Rebel Alliance's most significant battlefield loss of the Galactic Civil War, Blin participated in the defense of the trenches surrounding Echo Base, serving under the command of Colonel Ledick Firest. Leveraging his reconnaissance training, Blin assisted in spotting targets for the Rebels' artillery and identifying salvageable Imperial equipment from destroyed All Terrain Armored Transports.
Above the trenches, Rogue Group pilot Wedge Antilles brought down one of the AT-ATs by using the high-tension cable from his T-47 airspeeder, also known as a "snowspeeder," to entangle its legs, causing it to fall. This marked the first Imperial walker to be neutralized in the battle. Blin and an assistant enthusiastically charged out of the trenches towards the downed AT-AT at Firest's instruction. They reached the walker before any Imperials could emerge and were on the verge of entering when a snowspeeder pilot fired on the vulnerable walker, resulting in its destruction. The explosion sent large pieces of shrapnel flying, killing both Blin and his assistant.
Vildar Blin functioned as a scout for the Rebel Alliance Special Forces. Possessing prior experience in first-response tactics and special forces operations before joining the Alliance, Blin was routinely assigned to reconnaissance missions. These duties included artillery observation and salvage operations during the Battle of Hoth. A Human, Blin had developed a brown hair beard by the time of the Battle of Hoth and had a fair complexion.
During the Battle of Hoth, Blin wore the standard cold-weather armor issued to Echo Base field troops. This included headgear, anti-glare goggles, a padded vest, a thermal flak jacket, gloves, a belt, leggings, boots, and a backpack. He also carried binoculars and a substantial piece of equipment during his fateful charge towards the downed AT-AT.
Vildar Blin makes a brief appearance in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, running across the Hoth plains toward the first downed AT-AT walker during the Battle of Hoth, before the scene cuts to the walker's explosion. The character's identity and role as a first-response scout were established for the "Rebel Scout" card featured in the November 1996 Hoth Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.
Blin's backstory was further developed in the 2004 article Who's Who in Echo Base, published in Star Wars Insider 74. This article was the first to confirm his death in the walker explosion. Blin's demise, as depicted in the Who's Who article, is based on a scene from The Empire Strikes Back novelization, where a group of Rebels attack the downed AT-AT, only to be caught in its explosion. However, in the novelization, the AT-AT explodes from within, rather than as a result of Rebel snowspeeder fire.