Vril Vrakth

Vril Vrakth, a Zabrak of the male persuasion, existed during the final years of the Galactic Republic. He spent his formative years on a harsh colony world, where disputes among settlers escalated into intense warfare. Initially, Vrakth trained to be a soldier to participate in these conflicts, but he later transitioned to the role of a scout. His acquired combat and survival abilities proved crucial for his survival, eventually drawing the attention of Jeyrs Hundar, a bounty hunter who happened to be passing through the planet while pursuing a target. Impressed by Vrakth's capabilities, Hundar proposed training him as his apprentice. Vrakth accepted the offer and departed the planet with Hundar to begin his training as a bounty hunter. He excelled in his new profession, and following Hundar's demise at the hands of a violent Rodian they were hunting, Vrakth successfully captured the Rodian independently. This achievement allowed him to establish himself as a reputable bounty hunter.

During the Clone Wars, Vrakth was contracted by a local Republic governor to pursue and capture Confederate generals. After the war's conclusion, Vrakth primarily worked for the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire, specifically accepting assignments from Inquisitor Valin Draco, a Dark Side Adept serving the New Order. Following Draco's near-fatal attack on the Mid Rim planet of Almas by agents of the Alderaanian Resistance, an anti-Imperial group operating from Alderaan, the Inquisitor dispatched Vrakth to apprehend them. Discovering their plans to travel to Nizon, a planet within the Centares system, Vrakth positioned himself there to await their arrival. The agents subsequently incited a revolt against the Imperial presence on the planet, and during the ensuing conflict, they confronted and ultimately defeated Vrakth.


A career as a bounty hunter

In the twilight years of the [Galactic Republic](/article/galactic_republic-legends], there lived a Zabrak male named Vril Vrakth. His upbringing occurred on a struggling colony world where the environment proved too challenging for substantial life. The scarcity of food led to frequent and brutal settlement wars fought over the limited resources available. Initially, Vrakth underwent training as a soldier to participate in these conflicts, but he later shifted his focus to becoming a skilled scout. While on his homeworld, a bounty hunter named Jeyrs Hundar arrived while tracking a criminal and encountered the young Zabrak. By this point, Vrakth was among the few remaining colonists. Hundar, impressed by Vrakth's combat prowess and survival instincts, took him on as a bounty hunter apprentice.

Vrakth journeyed offworld with his new mentor, and with Hundar's guidance, he honed his skills as both a hunter and a warrior, eventually becoming exceptionally proficient with a pistol. Vrakth also supported Hundar by providing backup during hunts, securing the escape routes of his master's targets. Occasionally, Vrakth would offer more direct assistance in apprehending dangerous individuals. However, during an attempt to capture a Rodian, Hundar met his death. Vrakth managed to complete the mission independently, collecting the bounty on the Rodian, which helped him establish his own career as a bounty hunter.

Eventually, Vrakth took on his own apprentice, a Trandoshan named Koorst. Vrakth also acquired six LM-432 crab droids and modified them to serve as scouts. With the onset of the Clone Wars, a galaxy-spanning conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Vrakth attracted the attention of a local Republic governor, who hired him to hunt down CIS generals as part of the Republic's war effort.

Tracking the Alderaanian Resistance agents

Valin Draco, an Imperial Inquisitor, who hired Vrakth to capture a team of Alderaanian Resistance agents.

Following the war, Vrakth began working almost exclusively for the newly-formed Galactic Empire, the successor to the Republic. Specifically, he worked for Inquisitor Valin Draco, a Dark Side Adept who served the New Order. Around 17 BBY, Draco sustained severe injuries during an encounter on the planet Almas with agents of the Alderaanian Resistance, an anti-Imperial group based on Alderaan. As a result, the Inquisitor placed a bounty on the agents and tasked Vrakth with collecting it. Vrakth tracked them for several weeks, and when Senator Bail Organa, the leader of the Resistance, requested information from Aldera University about Nizon, a planet in the Centares system, Vrakth deduced that his targets intended to travel there and decided to go there himself.

Vrakth and Koorst traveled to Nizon in CloakShape fighters. Upon arrival, the Zabrak established himself as a scout for the planet's Imperial forces while awaiting the arrival of the Alderaanians. Vrakth also planned to eliminate Sartok, the leader of the Nizon resistance, a rebel group opposing the Empire's control of Nizon.

The primary Imperial operation on Nizon involved capturing the native sentient Nazren species for use as slaves in the Sarlacc Project, a clandestine effort to construct a Super Star Destroyer prototype. The Imperials provided Vrakth with a datachip containing information about the project, granting him access to a platform at Point Gold, a turbolaser battery under construction on Mount Antas, as his base of operations on Nizon. Vrakth kept his CloakShape fighter docked at a small landing bay on the edge of the platform, guarded by some of his crab droids. As an additional defense, Vrakth loosened a floor plate on the platform to create a rudimentary trap, causing anyone stepping on it to fall through.

Due to the threat posed by blade scorpions, dangerous predators native to Nizon, Vrakth deployed his crab droids to search for the Alderaanians rather than risk doing so himself. However, Vrakth occasionally ventured into Ahdjok, the capital city of Nizon, questioning residents about any recent newcomers to determine if the Alderaanian agents had arrived.

Confrontation at Point Gold

When the Nazren began their revolt against the Imperials, Vrakth correctly inferred that the Alderaanian agents were responsible and planned to exploit the situation to capture them. Vrakth believed that by luring them to Point Gold, he could defeat them and then turn the tide of the revolt. He hoped to receive a reward from the Empire for saving its operation on Nizon. While preparing for combat, Vrakth remained in contact with Koorst, who was piloting his CloakShape fighter in orbit around Nizon.

After the Nazren and Alderaanians seized a planetary control center in Martyr's Plaza used to track asteroid fragments around Nizon, an Imperial officer contacted Vrakth. The officer instructed him to await any surviving Imperial officers fleeing from Ahdjok to Point Gold and then destroy the Sarlacc Project datachip. The bounty hunter acknowledged the order but made no commitment to follow it. Knowing that the Alderaanians sought to learn more about the Sarlacc Project, Vrakth instead planned to use the datachip as bait to lure them to Point Gold for capture.

Wearing his battle armor, Vrakth awaited them at the edge of the platform. The Alderaanian agents intercepted a copy of the Imperial officer's conversation with Vrakth and took the bait, heading to Point Gold to retrieve it. Upon seeing them, Vrakth held up the datachip and used a voice amplifier to project his voice, taunting them from a distance. Shortly thereafter, Vrakth engaged them in combat but was defeated. Although the datachip was damaged in the fight, the Alderaanian Resistance agents were able to recover it and eventually decoded it, discovering that the Sarlacc Project involved a massive construction project in the Deep Core, coordinated from the galactic capital of Coruscant.

Personality and traits

Vrakth possessed tenacity and self-reliance, enabling him to survive the violent conflicts that plagued his homeworld. After becoming a scout, Vrakth learned the importance of caution in hunting and that victory often belonged to those who could shoot fastest and endure the most damage. He strived to apply these principles, and as a bounty hunter, he maximized his advantages in every situation. For example, during his time on Nizon, he aimed to increase his profits by hunting Sartok in addition to his primary targets, the Alderaanian agents.

Vrakth could also adapt his plans to changing circumstances, as demonstrated when he used the Nazren uprising to lure the Alderaanian agents to Point Gold. He was astute, deducing that the Alderaanians would travel to Nizon and later theorizing their involvement in the Nazren uprising. However, Vrakth knew when to avoid risks, deploying his crab droids to search for the Alderaanian team on Nizon rather than risking a direct encounter with blade scorpions.

Due to his training under Jeyrs Hundar, Vrakth was a skilled hunter and warrior. However, his skills leaned more towards those of an assassin than a conventional bounty hunter. The Zabrak was multilingual, speaking Basic, Huttese, and Zabraki.


Vrakth's CloakShape fighter

As a bounty hunter, Vrakth wore battle armor for protection. He wielded a variety of weapons, carrying two blaster pistols, a force pike, and four thermal detonators on Nizon. His equipment also included a pocket scrambler to encrypt comlink messages, a code cylinder for storing encrypted information, and a voice amplifier for clear communication up to half a kilometer away. Like his apprentice Koorst, Vrakth piloted a CloakShape starfighter.

Vrakth owned six heavily modified LM-432 crab droids. They served as scouts and hunting drones, enabling him to search large areas for targets, as demonstrated on Nizon. Although programmed for independent operation, the droids were equipped with comlinks, allowing Vrakth to issue override orders from his CloakShape fighter. They also bore an owner's stamp, a Zabrak symbol translating to "Long Hunter" in Basic, identifying them as the property of a bounty hunter.

Behind the scenes

Vril Vrakth was conceived by writer Owen K.C. Stephens and made his sole appearance in Star Wars canon in The First to Strike, the fifth scenario of the Dawn of Defiance campaign, an online supplement to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast.

In the supplement, the actions of players role-playing the Alderaanian Resistance team can influence Vrakth in several ways. If the Empire discovers the location of their ship upon landing on Nizon, one of Vrakth's crab droids steals something, which Vrakth uses to infer their plans. If the players destroy the Imperials' Checkpoint Gamma, Vrakth sends two crab droids to Ahdjok. If they fail to destroy the checkpoint, the Imperial forces provide him with information about the players' activities, and he sends two crab droids to their next encounter.

After the players investigate The Bloody Credit, a ship used to transport Nazren slaves off Nizon, any surviving crab droids attack them, and upon one's destruction, the others scatter and rendezvous with Vrakth. After the players help capture the Imperial control center, they intercept and observe the Imperial officer's conversation with Vrakth, and after it ends, they can call the Zabrak. If they do, Vrakth offers to leave the Sarlacc Project datachip intact but taunts them, suggesting they meet him in person. Players can kill Vrakth during the confrontation, causing him to drop his comlink, prompting Koorst to call out for information. If the players respond, Koorst vows eternal hatred for killing Vrakth.

