Weapons Research Facility (Rori)

The Weapons Research Facility functioned as a clandestine, privately-owned research complex. It was situated beneath the surface of Rori, a moon orbiting Naboo, during the era of the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Yavin, the Galactic Empire secured a contract with the facility. In the year 1 ABY, Stephax Dain, holding the rank of lieutenant within the Meatlumps – a Corellian terrorist group notorious for their disdain of technology – initiated a bold assault on the facility. However, Kaiya Merel, another lieutenant and a rival of Dain's, sought to prevent him from claiming sole credit for the operation. She dispatched a spacer to Rori with instructions to sabotage the facility's operations ahead of Dain's arrival. The spacer successfully completed this mission, but in the process, both Stephax Dain and several Meatlump pronks who had already seized control of the facility were killed.

Behind the scenes

The Weapons Research Facility on Dathomir.

The Weapons Research Facility was featured as a location in Star Wars Galaxies, the 2003 video game. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was the product of Sony Online Entertainment's development efforts and was published by LucasArts. The facility remained accessible until the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The addition of the Weapons Research Facility to the game occurred with the release of "Chapter 10: The Search for the Meatlump King," an update that went live on June 19, 2008.

The quest "The Meatlumps Hideout, Part 7" included the Weapons Research Facility. Depending on when the player initiated this quest, the location of the research facility would change. If the player began the quest at the end of the game (combat level 90), as opposed to during the character's leveling (at CL 65), the research facility would be found on Dathomir, a planet designed for high-level players. The game's narrative strongly implied that the quest was intended to be undertaken at CL 65.

