
Weez, a friend to both Cholly and Tup, was also a skilled thief.


Early life

On the planet Simpla-12, Weez, a humanoid male, resided alongside Cholly and Tup. These three were all friends with Ren S'orn. Around 44 BBY, S'orn, who possessed Force-sensitive abilities, shared with his trio of friends that scientist Jenna Zan Arbor had contacted him, inviting him to participate in a the Force related experiment. Despite Cholly, Weez, and Tup's encouragement, the experiment proved fatal, with Zan Arbor having S'orn killed shortly thereafter.

Following Ren's death, the group of three approached Ren's mother, Senator Uta S'orn, requesting his personal belongings under the guise of being his closest friends. However, their true motivation stemmed from Ren's earlier revelation about the laboratory containing substantial medicine stockpiles. Aware that Ren had concealed the lab's location within his possessions, they sought to pilfer the medicines. The senator, however, denied their request, stating that those belongings were all she had left of her son.

Meeting the Jedi

In 43 BBY, the trio found themselves ejected from the 12 Tavern on Simpla-12 after Tup insulted someone's mother by calling her a Kowakian monkey-lizard. Waiting outside were Astri Oddo and Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. They were searching for Kenobi's Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, who had been abducted by bounty hunter Ona Nobis. The pair believed that information regarding Ren S'orn's final days could be crucial in locating Jinn, as well as obtaining the medicine needed to treat Astri's father, Didi Oddo, who had been wounded by Nobis. The trio told them about the experiment and suggested that Tino, Ren's former roommate, might possess more information.

Later, Cholly, Weez, and Tup journeyed to Coruscant, anticipating that Oddo and Kenobi would request Ren's belongings from his mother in an attempt to find the lab. The three associates followed them to Didi's Café, a restaurant owned by Astri's father, Didi Oddo. While Weez and Tup kept watch, Cholly peered through the kitchen window but was taken by surprise when Kenobi, mistaking Cholly for Ona Nobis, leaped from a second-floor window to attack him. Kenobi realized his mistake mid-air and stopped his attack.

Astri emerged from the kitchen window, prepared to strike, but immediately recognized the trio and questioned their presence on Coruscant. Following a brief exchange, the three revealed that Astri and Kenobi had indeed obtained Ren's property from his mother, and that the location of the laboratory was contained within. Cholly offered to assist in searching Ren's belongings for the lab's address, suggesting that their familiarity with Ren might help them spot a clue that Astri and Kenobi might overlook. The Jedi and his companion accepted the offer, and they entered the building.

Once inside, Kenobi presented Ren's possessions to the trio. Examining the items, they noticed that the sabacc cards included were marked, but the marks didn't align with sabacc cheating techniques. Recognizing the marks as a code, Cholly arranged the marked cards in order and transcribed their meanings onto a durasheet: "L1Q2BU3SP12". After a brief discussion, Kenobi recognized that "SP12" represented the astrogation shorthand for Simpla-12 and deciphered the rest as an address on that planet. The Jedi decided to return to Simpla-12, and Cholly, Weez, and Tup, along with Astri, accompanied him.

Rescuing Qui-Gon Jinn

Upon their return to Simpla-12, Kenobi tasked the trio with acquiring a disguise for Astri. After completing this task, they rendezvoused with Kenobi and Astri near the address decoded from the sabacc cards, which Kenobi believed to be Zan Arbor's lab. The Padawan's plan involved infiltrating the lab by having Astri, disguised as Nobis, pretend to hold him prisoner. The potential weakness of the plan lay in the possibility of the real Ona Nobis appearing. Therefore, Kenobi instructed Cholly, Weez, and Tup to watch for the bounty hunter and prevent her from entering the building. The trio was also provided with contact information for the Jedi Temple and instructed to contact the Temple and request additional Jedi reinforcements if neither Kenobi nor Astri emerged from the building within ten minutes; they agreed to comply.

Shortly after Astri and Kenobi entered the lab, the real Nobis arrived. The trio failed to prevent her entry, but followed her when she exited the building. They tracked her to her ship and observed her departure from the planet. As requested, they also contacted the Temple for reinforcements due to Kenobi and Astri's delay. Soon afterward, the threesome secured a job selling assassin droids to Zan Arbor. The Jedi reinforcement team, consisting of Jedi Master Adi Gallia and her Padawan, Siri Tachi, learned of this and, together with Kenobi, who had been unable to free his Master, approached them, proposing that the Jedi be allowed to hide in the droid shipment in order to infiltrate Zan Arbor's lab.

Initially hesitant due to the perceived danger, Kenobi convinced the trio to allow the three Jedi to conceal themselves within the shipment. The threesome possessed only a gravsled for transport, but had equipped it with a secret smuggling compartment which Gallia and the two Padawans managed to squeeze into, albeit with some difficulty. However, the location of the compartment necessitated the unloading of the droids before the Jedi could exit, prompting Gallia to request that they attempt to prevent Zan Arbor from activating the droids to avoid combat. Cholly agreed, and after loading the droids, they proceeded to the lab.

Inside, Cholly attempted to program the droids himself to sabotage them, but Zan Arbor insisted on handling the task herself before unloading the droids. After she completed the programming, Cholly, Weez, and Tup began unloading the droids, arguing among themselves as they did so. Tup accidentally obscured the lever that opened the secret compartment, causing the Jedi to be dumped onto the floor amidst the droids. Zan Arbor ordered the droids to attack, and as the three Jedi engaged the droids, Cholly, Weez, and Tup sought refuge. Following the Jedi's victory over the droids and the rescue of Jinn, Gallia expressed her gratitude to the threesome, and they departed from the lab. Zan Arbor, however, escaped.

Tracking Ona Nobis

The trio then traveled to Sorrus and reunited with Astri, who was now searching for Nobis in an attempt to capture her. The group approached spacer Donny Buc and requested transport to the planet's Arra Desert, where Astri knew the bounty hunter had a secret hideout in a cave. Buc, however was unable to do so as he was waiting on some repairs. At Buc's suggestion, the group took an air taxi to the desert. Sometime after they arrived, all four were captured by Nobis, who took them to her hideout. Nobis tied up Cholly, Weez, Tup, and Astri, and placed gags in their mouths. Before leaving, the bounty hunter set a trap at the entrance to the cave—if anyone entered the cave, they would trip a lever that would cause the cave entrance to collapse after a delay, sealing the cave.

Soon after, Kenobi and Tachi, searching for Astri after realizing Nobis had likely captured her, reached the hideout. Seeing the two Jedi crawling into the cave, Cholly and Astri tried to warn them not to come in to the cave because of the trap, but were unable to do so effectively due to being gagged. Kenobi misinterpreted the warning as a plea for immediate help and moved toward them faster. Reaching Astri, he removed the gag and she immediately said, "Trap!", but it was too late as the cave entrance collapsed, sealing everyone inside despite Kenobi's effort to stop the rockslide. Meanwhile, Cholly, Weez, and Tup were untied by Tachi.

An attempt by the Jedi to cut through the rocks with their lightsabers failed, and the group considered other options. Tachi came up with the idea of cutting down a couple of the metal support poles that braced the walls of the cave and trying to push them through the jumble of rocks to signal the outside. Cholly pointed out that there was nothing outside except desert, but Astri knew that a tribe of locals scavenged nearby. After a brief discussion, everyone agreed to try it. The first rod hit a large rock and snapped when Tachi tried to force it through, but the two Jedi were able to get the second pole through with the help of the Force.

Several hours later, the local tribe spotted the end of the pole and dug the group out. Kenobi and Astri quickly learned from the tribe leader that Nobis was headed to the planet of Belasco. After the two Padawans discussed the situation with their Masters, they decided to head to Belasco themselves, and the rest of the group—Astri, Cholly, Weez, and Tup—followed them.

On Belasco, the Jedi discovered that the planet was in the midst of a crisis—bacteria had invaded the world's drinking water, causing many residents to fall ill or die. Suspecting that the now-retired Senator S'orn may be in danger from Nobis—or even be involved in the planet's problems—Jinn asked Cholly, Weez, and Tup—along with Astri—to watch S'orn. Jinn figured that Nobis would stay away from the retired politician if she knew that others were watching. Knowing that S'orn was staying in the royal palace and that those that had fallen sick were on the grounds as well, Weez entertained the sick children as cover.

After the Jedi captured Zan Arbor and S'orn—who had in fact assisted Zan Arbor in sabotaging Belasco's water—and killed Nobis, Cholly, Weez, and Tup were present at the reopening of Didi's Café.

