
Wehutti served as a leader for the Melida during the generations-long war that occurred on the planet of Melida/Daan. When Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi journeyed to the planet to rescue Tahl, a Jedi who had been abducted by the Melida following a collapse in peace negotiations, Wehutti acted as their point of contact. Tahl had been mediating the negotiations. A committed Melida, Wehutti, like many individuals on both sides of the conflict, had lost someone dear to him in the fighting—specifically, his wife. He was the father of two children: a daughter named Cerasi and a son.

Cerasi belonged to the Young, a group of children and teenagers striving to bring an end to the centuries-long warfare between the Melida and the Daan. After the Young ended the war and initiated the planet's reconstruction with Obi-Wan Kenobi's assistance, internal disputes caused a division within the group, and conflict erupted with the Elders (the general name for the older adults wishing to prolong the war) regarding the destruction of Melida/Daan's Halls of Evidence, which were shrines dedicated to the war where holograms, ashes, and keepsakes of the deceased were stored. The Elders and the Young faced off outside the Hall housing the ashes of Wehutti's wife (Cerasi's mother). Despite Kenobi's attempts to intervene, both factions were heavily armed and prepared to engage in combat. Cerasi then emerged from a grate and moved towards the center in an attempt to prevent the fighting between the two groups, but she was shot and killed. Wehutti was heartbroken by the death of his daughter, and, like Nield, was consumed by guilt, believing he might have been responsible for her death. He withdrew entirely, severing communication with his followers and isolating himself until Kenobi contacted Qui-Gon Jinn for assistance, and the two spoke with him.

However, Wehutti declined to help the Jedi. In the meantime, another conflict was brewing between the two factions of the Young—one of which was a splinter group led by Mawat—but it was averted when Jinn played a recording of Cerasi in which she appealed for everyone to support peace. Wehutti soon discovered that Cerasi had been killed by a sniper positioned on a rooftop by Mawat, and that he was not to blame for his daughter's demise.

