Wheel (SIS)

Wheel was a droid operating as an agent for the Republic Strategic Information Service throughout the Cold War, and classified as a droid. Functioning as a member of Ardun Kothe's team of operatives, "Wheel" worked alongside operatives such as "Hunter," "Chance," "Saber" and "Legate." Kothe, in an effort to obtain the Shadow Arsenal, dispatched "Saber" and "Wheel" to Mon Gazza during the sent operation, while the remaining members of the team undertook separate missions. Following the successful completion of all aspects of the scheme, both "Saber" and "Wheel" participated jointly in the infiltration of the Shadow Arsenal installation.

Subsequently, "Legate" materialized before "Saber" and "Wheel," exposed their true loyalties, and launched an assault, resulting in the deaths of both agents.

