Chance, whose real identity was a closely guarded secret, was the codename of a Human agent working for the Republic Strategic Information Service during the Cold War. This male operative was a member of Ardun Kothe's team, which also included agents known as "Hunter," "Saber," "Wheel," and "Legate." Unbeknownst to both "Chance" and Kothe, two members of their six-person team were secretly loyal to other factions: "Legate" pretended to have defected from the Sith Empire's Imperial Intelligence but remained a loyalist, while "Hunter" was a member of the Star Cabal, thus setting the stage for conflict during the Galactic War.
As part of Kothe's scheme to obtain the Shadow Arsenal, "Chance" and "Legate" were dispatched to Taris with the objective of securing the [Ultrawave Transmitter], which had fallen into the possession of the Dark Jedi named Ki Sazen. While in pursuit of Sazen, "Chance" was ambushed and seriously wounded, leading him to seek refuge within the ruins of Dynamet General Hospital. From there, he contacted "Legate" for assistance, utilizing the Imperial's command code to issue the order. After "Legate" located "Chance", "Chance" instructed "Legate" to meet Doctor Ianna Cel and verify his SIS affiliation by uttering the password "Gemstone." He tried to use the command code to order the Cipher to treat his injuries but lost consciousness before he could finish. Subsequently, the Imperial Agent abandoned him, leaving him to succumb to his injuries. Following his demise, his belongings were sent to his father.
Chance appears as a character in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Depending on the player's choices, Chance is either spared (if the player chooses light side options) or left to die (if the player chooses dark side options). Female Imperial Agent player characters have the option to flirt with Chance.
The names Chance, Sabre [sic], Wheel, and Legate are all terms used in the game sabacc.