
Winda was the youngest child of Deej and his wife, who were both Ewoks. She had three older brothers: Weechee, Widdle Warrick, and Wicket Warrick, making her their younger sister. During one winter season on the Forest Moon of Endor, food became scarce for the Bright Tree tribe, leading Wicket to share half of his ground-apple stock dinner with Winda. During that same winter, when Wicket told his older brother Weechee that he could show him a true hunter, Weechee jokingly wondered if he was referring to Winda.

Behind the scenes

Winda being held by her mother in the Star Wars Legends continuity

Winda's appearance in Star Wars canon occurred in "The Kroolok," a short story featured in the Life Day Treasury, a 2021 short story collection, and was authored by George Mann and Cavan Scott. Within the Star Wars Legends timeline, the character of Winda was initially featured, though without identification, in Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure, a 1984 television movie.

Her given name was later revealed in "Horville's Hut of Horrors," the sixteenth episode of Ewoks' second season, an animated television show. This episode was written by Paul Dini and first aired on November 15, 1986. The surname "Warrick" was assigned to her in 2008 with the publication of The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

