Deej was a male Ewok with brown fur, residing in Bright Tree Village within the Bright Tree tribe located on the Forest Moon of Endor. He was a skilled pilot of hang-gliders. He and another Ewok served as the parents of four children: Weechee, Widdle Warrick, Wicket Warrick, and Winda. On one occasion, Wicket assisted his father in constructing borra pits.
During one winter season around 4 ABY, Deej, accompanied by a hunting group, departed from their village to gather necessary resources. Weechee successfully persuaded his father to allow him to join the expedition, sparking jealousy in his younger brother, Wicket. Wicket observed Deej and the hunting party's return with their bounty, which included a sizable kublag and brub berries. Later that day, Weechee expressed to his younger brother that he felt he emulated Deej, emphasizing his own strength. When Weechee and Wicket went hunting together, Weechee wore one of Deej's old cloaks. Deej utilized snowshoes for traversing the snow. While on Endor, Deej was seen wearing hooded brown clothing.
Deej's initial appearance in current Star Wars canon occurred in "The Kroolok," a short story penned by George Mann together with Cavan Scott, featured in the 2021 anthology Life Day Treasury. The Ewok's image was first presented in "Miscellaneous Ships and Vehicles (2)," a De Agostini Star Wars Encyclopedia booklet released on July 29, 2022. Within Star Wars Legends continuity, the character Deej was introduced in the 1984 television movie, Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure. In Legends, his last name, "Warrick," aligning with his family name, was officially confirmed on the Databank.