Wonetun, a powerfully-built male Brubb hailing from Baros, possessed a voice as rough as the surface of his skin. A member of the Wild Knights, which was a fighter squadron comprised of Force-sensitive pilots, he received personal training from Saba Sebatyne. He lived through the Yuuzhan Vong War, taking part in battles at Reecee, Coruscant, Borleias, and the climactic Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.
Five years following the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong war, Wonetun had become a recognized Jedi Knight. He was among the several Jedi who supported Kyp Durron and chose to pilot a StealthX on a mission aimed at the extraction of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo from Killik territory.
During 44 ABY, Wonetun was among a group of experienced Jedi pilots who assisted Luke Skywalker and Ben Skywalker by commanding the StealthX squadron in their conflict against the Lost Tribe of Sith and Abeloth.