The WTK-85A interstellar transport represented a specific model of transport that was produced by the Sublights Products Corporation. This vessel was engineered for use by scouts or pilots who typically operated with very small crews; the WTK-85A only required a single pilot to function, although it included capacity for a second pilot.

Specifically tailored for scouts and pilots who preferred to operate alone, this spacecraft was designed to be flown by just one pilot; however, due to safety regulations, it also featured a co-pilot's station equipped with backup controls. The substantial engines positioned on either side of the ship incorporated both sublight and hyperspace propulsion systems. It was equipped with a modern navicomputer, a feature particularly beneficial for solitary operators, and it could achieve speeds in atmosphere rivaling those of a starfighter.
The original design of this transport dates back to the twilight years of the Galactic Republic.
One WTK-85A was present at Zorby's Western Shiplot, a dealership for starships located on the planet Ferrix.
A WTK-85A was seen parked just outside the entrance to Jabba's palace during the escape of Kay Vess, a slicer, and Vail Tormin, a bounty hunter.
Ochi, a Sith assassin, possessed a customized WTK-85A interstellar transport known as the Bestoon Legacy. Rey's parents, Miramir and Dathan, briefly commandeered this vessel to return Rey to the planet Jakku, but Ochi killed them and regained control of his ship. He traveled to Pasaana following a false lead regarding Rey's location, where he met his end after falling into the Shifting Mires, leaving his ship behind. Later, during a Mission to Pasaana, Poe Dameron, a Resistance pilot, flew the ship to rescue Chewbacca.