The X-1 Viper, alternatively referenced as the Automadon, was a substantial military droid produced by Balmorran Arms. It saw action during the insurrection led by the resurrected Emperor Palpatine, specifically from 10 ABY to 11 ABY.

The designers from Balmorra who created the six-limbed X-1, giving it the nickname "Automadon," equipped it with a high level of speed, a ferocious nature, and a deadly array of weapons. These attributes allowed it to compete effectively with even the Empire's AT-AT walkers.
The X-1 Viper's size and form resembled that of a Kubindi sun beetle. The Viper was among the products that Balmorran Arms independently developed, manufactured, and sold, free from external influence, including that of the Imperials.
The six limbs of the Viper enabled it to stand upright on its hind legs while unleashing a torrent of blaster and laser fire. Its middle appendages were outfitted with enhanced blaster cannons, each carrying the powerful force of a turbolaser from a capital ship. Additionally, a pair of laser cannons were subtly positioned beneath the X-1 Viper's lower front. The heavy front pincers were swift enough to seize a low-flying airspeeder and possessed the strength to hold onto it while crushing the vehicle against the ground.
The primary effectiveness of the Vipers stemmed from the sophisticated, full-body molecular shielding that served as their armor. This cutting-edge technology not only provided defense against most conventional weapons but also converted the energy from laser blasts to recharge its own weapon systems. It could also take in energy weapon fire, such as ion cannons, turbolasers, and energy torpedoes. This battle droid also had the capability to redirect these attacks back at the originating targets. The Viper was designed for supervised combat scenarios and incorporated manual control mechanisms within its head.

Initially designed and produced by Balmorran Arms, the X-1 Viper was originally intended for sale to the New Republic. However, in 10 ABY, Balmorra, an industrial planet, was forced back into Imperial service during Operation Shadow Hand, the military campaign of the resurrected Emperor Palpatine against the New Republic. The Imperial occupation disrupted the company's plans to supply the New Republic with new combat droids, but Governor Beltane secretly continued to refine the Viper while his primary production lines openly produced large numbers of SD-10s. When the Balmorrans received word of the Emperor's death at the Battle of Pinnacle Base, they seized the opportunity presented by their newfound freedom and launched a revolt. Balmorra's extensive factories resumed producing weapons for the New Republic, provoking the anger of the Imperials.
Following the Emperor's second demise, Executor Sedriss QL assumed control of Operation Shadow Hand. Sedriss sought to reclaim Balmorra and its factories for the Empire. A fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers under Sedriss's command arrived in orbit above Balmorra, leading Governor Beltane to initiate contact with the Imperials. After Beltane refused to surrender to Imperial forces, Sedriss deployed stormtroopers, SD-9s, AT-STs, and the Empire's advanced Shadow Droids with the objective of capturing the planetary capital of Bin Prime and its manufacturing facilities in the Battle of Balmorra. Nevertheless, the Balmorran Defense Force successfully defended the city with soldiers and SD-10s, even as the Shadow Droids inflicted significant casualties. Ultimately, Beltane deployed his advanced X-1 Vipers. The Vipers triumphed over the Shadow Droids, securing victory for the Balmorrans in the ground battle.
Facing defeat of his invasion force, Sedriss was compelled to negotiate with Beltane and accept his peace terms. Beltane sought Balmorra's independence, and in exchange, the planet would sell its Vipers to the Empire. Sedriss agreed to Beltane's conditions, but secretly planned to destroy Balmorra after acquiring the Vipers and their designers. However, Beltane secretly arranged for the New Republic to hijack several Vipers aboard the Imperial Star Hauler Reliance during its journey to Byss. A unit of New Republic commandos led by Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles managed to seize the droids and conceal themselves within their cramped interiors during the voyage to the Imperial throneworld of Byss located in the Deep Core. The New Republic hoped to use the Vipers to assault the Emperor's Citadel and disrupt the Imperial war effort.

Upon arrival on Byss, the New Republic operatives activated the droids, exploiting their manual override capabilities. During the Battle of the Emperor's Citadel, the droids eliminated all opposing Imperial forces, creating widespread chaos and destruction throughout the streets. The Vipers advanced directly to the Citadel's entrance, destroying numerous bipedal walkers, XR-85 tank droids, gunships, and turbolaser emplacements. However, Emperor Palpatine—who had returned in a new clone body shortly after the Battle of Balmorra—instructed his new Executor Xecr Nist to deploy alchemically altered chrysalide beasts to confront the Vipers, as their armor only provided protection against energy weapons, not physical attacks. The chrysalide's teeth tore the Vipers apart, shifting the battle's momentum in favor of the Empire. With the Vipers destroyed, the New Republic was forced to retreat. The surviving Rebels were able to escape due to the intervention of the smuggler Salla Zend and her companions.
Eventually, Byss was destroyed, and Palpatine met his final demise at the Battle of Onderon. Shortly after the Emperor's final defeat, an Imperial warlord discovered that a criminal syndicate had acquired an X-1 Viper. He decided to make an example of the threat they posed to his territory by attacking the syndicate's base. During the assault, the warlord's forces breached the base and engaged the X-1 Viper in combat.