Target drones of the Microraptor-class, more frequently known as X-wing drones, served as training drones employed by First Order TIE pilots during live-fire training sessions. Following the D'Qar evacuation, Lieutenant Galek engaged her cadets against a squadron of these drones, resulting in the complete destruction of all target X-wing starfighters.
These X-wing drones were pilotless starships engineered as simplified versions of X-wing starfighters. Sporting a red and gray hull, the drones came equipped with four laser cannons that discharged red lasers. Each of these cannons was positioned at the tip of each extended S-foil wing, which were also connected to four smaller wings in a manner reminiscent of the Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters that provided the inspiration for the X-wing line.
First Order TIE pilots utilized these drones for target practice.

Shortly after the D'Qar evacuation, Lieutenant Galek, serving as a First Order flight instructor, deployed a number of X-wing drones for a live-fire training exercise intended for her pilot cadets.
The creation and design of X-wing drones occurred for "Live Fire," which was the third episode within the second season of the Star Wars Resistance animated series, initially broadcast on October 20, 2019. Later, the episode guide on identified the drones by name, as did the Bucket's List and "Bucket's List Extra" behind-the-scenes features for "Live Fire."