Xanatos crisis

The Xanatos crisis encompasses a series of events centered around the former Jedi apprentice, or Padawan, known as Xanatos.



In the year 53 BBY, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, accompanied by his Padawan Xanatos, embarked on a mission to oversee the situation unfolding on Xanatos's native world, Telos IV. Upon arrival, they observed that the planet stood on the precipice of a civil war. Xanatos's father, Crion, held the position of governor of Telos IV. Qui-Gon and Xanatos were confronted with challenging decisions. Following the death of Xanatos's sister, Crion initiated a civil war across the planet. Subsequently, Xanatos aligned himself with his father, thereby betraying his Jedi Master. Qui-Gon ultimately killed Crion, but Xanatos managed to escape.

Mission to Bandomeer

Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with his Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, were dispatched on a mission to the planet Bandomeer. Xanatos had ascended to the leadership of the Offworld Corporation and devised a scheme to destroy Bandomeer. Xanatos manipulated Obi-Wan Kenobi, leading him to believe that he was unsuitable as Jinn's Padawan. Subsequently, he lured him into a trap, sending him to a mining platform through a concealed passage. However, with Kenobi's assistance, Jinn successfully thwarted Xanatos's plans by deactivating the explosive charges, ensuring the safety of Bandomeer.

Incident at the Jedi Temple

Sometime afterward, a series of thefts occurred within the Jedi Temple. The Jedi High Council tasked Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl with identifying the perpetrator and presenting them before the council for judgment. Master Jinn began compiling a list of the stolen items. Initially, the items appeared random and insignificant, including a toolbox, holo-files of students with names ranging from A to H, a teacher's robe, and a sports activity kit. Tahl investigated the missing records, interviewing the two volunteers who assisted Curator of Records T'un. As the masters reached an impasse in their investigation, all of the lightsabers were stolen from the training room used by the senior apprentices. Amidst the torn tunics and rubble, the two Jedi discovered a message written in red paint on the wall: "COME, YOUR TIME WILL. BEWARE YOU MUST, TROUBLE I AM." Deciding to alert the rest of the Temple about the intrusion, the entire complex was put on lock down. Yoda was attacked, the temple was shut down and it was Xanatos that was behind the whole thing. Jinn dueled Xanatos in the Mediation Station. The Jedi would come to learn that Xanatos rigged the Temple fusion furnace to explode upon Daroon's restart of the air circulation system; only due to Xanatos' arrogance in revealing his plans. Kenobi met up with his master who had allowed Xanatos to escape in order to save the Temple. They raced down through a food transport tube until they made it to the Tech Room. Daroon directed Jinn to the reactor core of the furnace, where Jinn retrieved the Healing Crystals of Fire, which were the key to destroying the Temple. That key removed, the crisis was over.

Second Mission to Telos IV

Following Xanatos's unsuccessful attempt to destroy the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in 44 BBY, the Dark Jedi fled to Telos IV, having successfully convinced the populace that he and his father, Crion, were innocent of instigating the Telosian Civil War years prior. Xanatos was celebrated as Telos's foremost citizen for his philanthropic endeavors, including the establishment of the Xanatos Institute for Healing in the capital city of Thani.

Qui-Gon Jinn and his former Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, journeyed to Telos to confront Xanatos, despite the mission not being sanctioned by the Jedi High Council. Both Jedi were bewildered by the events that had transpired on the planet and were further perplexed by the attitude of the populace. The once-peaceful citizens had become engrossed in a violent spectator sport known as Katharsis. During their investigation into Xanatos's activities, the two Jedi encountered Andra, the leader and sole member of POWER, a political organization opposing the exploitation of Telos's national parks, and her comrade Denetrus, a small-time criminal. With the assistance of the two Telosians, Jinn and Kenobi discovered that Katharsis was controlled by UniFy, a front for the Offworld Mining Corporation, owned by Xanatos. Additionally, the quartet gathered evidence that Telos's Sacred Places had been violated by extensive Offworld mining operations. Jinn and Kenobi exposed Xanatos to the citizens of Telos, and rather than face justice for his crimes, Xanatos chose to commit suicide by jumping into a pool of acid. With his death, the citizens removed corrupt government officials and reclaimed their national treasures.

