Xim'tahal the Defaced, whose original name was Xim'tahal, functioned as a Kaleesh warlord during the Cold War era, a period of tension between the Galactic Republic and the newly formed Sith Empire. On Little Kessel, the planet, Xim'tahal became enraged by the actions of Archiban Kimble, a medic also known as "Doc." This confrontation with the formidable Kaleesh inspired Doc to abandon his pastime of disrupting criminal organizations and tyrannical rulers throughout the galaxy and instead take up arms with the native resistance on Balmorra, joining their fight against the occupying Imperial forces.
The character of Xim'tahal was initially introduced within the pages of Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, a 2012 reference book that served as an informational companion to the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game.