Yaga Minor shipyards

The Yaga Minor shipyards were shipyards of the Imperial forces. These shipyards were based on the world of Yaga Minor, which was located within both the New Territories and the Outer Rim regions. During 14 BBY, a group from the Free Ryloth Movement, under the guidance of resistance fighter Pok, hijacked an weapons shipment belonging to the Empire while at the shipyards. The rebels then escaped aboard a stolen freighter with the intention of meeting up with Cham Syndulla, the leader of the Free Ryloth Movement, and his ship. However, Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, pursued Pok and his group after being alerted to the theft by his subordinate, Captain Luitt. After Vader slaughtered Pok and his team, Syndulla made the decision to escalate his insurgency against the Empire.

Behind the scenes

Within current canon, the Yaga Minor shipyards were first referenced in the 2015 novel Lords of the Sith, penned by Paul S. Kemp. Conversely, in Star Wars Legends continuity, the Yaga Minor shipyards initially appeared within the 1993 novel The Last Command, which was written by Timothy Zahn and served as the third part of the Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy.

