"Yoda – The Jedi Master," the nineteenth installment of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures, was initially released on StarWarsKids.com and its corresponding YouTube channel on March 16, 2019.
The narrative unfolds on Dagobah, where Luke Skywalker reveals to Yoda that he is in search of an individual. Yoda retorts by mentioning his own past discovery of someone, punctuated by a chuckle. Skywalker expresses his annoyance and takes umbrage when Yoda helps himself to his food rations. Subsequently, Yoda rummages through Skywalker's canteen before engaging in a dispute with R2-D2 over possession of a torch. Skywalker instructs the astromech droid to relinquish the item to Yoda.
Yoda offers to assist Skywalker in locating his friend. Skywalker clarifies that he is searching for a Jedi Master, which captures Yoda's attention. Yoda then declares that Skywalker is seeking Yoda himself. Upon Skywalker's inquiry about whether Yoda recognizes him, Yoda experiences a series of flashbacks: his duel against Darth Sidious within the Galactic Senate, leading Clone troopers from an LAAT/i gunship on Geonosis, his position on the Jedi Council, his battles against Count Dooku, and his escape from the Great Jedi Purge on Kashyyyk. Returning to the present moment, Yoda informs an increasingly impatient Skywalker that he will guide him to Yoda, but only after they have eaten.