The book entitled YT-1300 Millennium Falcon Owners' Workshop Manual was authored by Ryder Windham with illustrations provided by Chris Reiff and Chris Trevas. This book is a canonical re-release of the earlier Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual which was originally published in 2011. It became available in the United Kingdom on November 5, 2018, and subsequently in the United States on November 27, 2018.
Presented as a thorough technical and maintenance guide, this manual details the Star Wars YT-1300 freighter, with the Millennium Falcon being one of its variants. Encompassing ships featured in the original 'classic' film trilogy, along with The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and Solo movies, this reference book gives a special look into the background, design, systems, upkeep, and modifications applied to each ship within the YT-1300 series. It is richly adorned with newly created cutaway diagrams and artwork, in addition to drawings and photographs sourced from the Lucasfilm archives.
- On page 33, the book erroneously indicates that the sabacc game, during which Lando lost the Falcon to Han, transpired on Vandor. However, the actual location was Numidian Prime.
- According to page 45, the Falcon suffered the loss of its sensor dish during the Battle of Yavin, but in reality, this occurred at the Battle of Endor.
- The term "repulsor" is spelled incorrectly as "repulser" on page 121.
- ISBN 9781785212222 ; November 5 , 2018 ; Haynes Publishing ; UK hardcover [1]
- ISBN 9781683835288 ; November 27 , 2018; Insight Editions ; US hardcover [2]