Zaloriis City

Zaloriis City functioned as the capital city on the planet named Zaloriis. The Rebel Alliance established a base at this location, which was subsequently obliterated by forces commanded by Darth Vader.


The capital city of the planet Zaloriis, which was under the control of the Galactic Empire, was known as Zaloriis City. During the period of the Galactic Civil War that spanned from 0 ABY to 3 ABY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic constructed a base within the city, while Minister Transe Decar formulated plans to secede from the Galactic Empire. When Zaloriis ceased its monthly tribute payments to Coruscant, Darth Vader journeyed there to investigate the cause. He faced an attack from Zalorian Separatists under Minister Decar's command, but he triumphed and rescued Colonel Maximilian Veers. Veers then escorted him to Camp Culroon, a research facility where Blizzard 1, a prototype AT-AT, was equipped. Subsequently, Veers assaulted Zaloriis City, resulting in the destruction of the Rebel base. At the time of its destruction, Zaloriis City contained two Fortresses and various other military structures, including a Command center. The city was enclosed by a wall and defended by laser turrets.

After securing victory in the battle, Veers managed to discover the approximate new location of the Rebel Alliance within the Elrood sector.

Behind the scenes

Zaloriis City is featured in the video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released in 2001, during the Darth Vader campaign. This campaign is also a part of the game's expansion pack from 2002, titled Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns.

