Zana's tavern

Zana's Tavern, a cantina situated on the planet of Belderone, was operated by Zana. This older woman, the proprietor, once shared a bond with Flint Torul, a Jedi Knight. The local populace frequented the establishment for refreshments prior to commencing their work at the factory, and Zana willingly served them. Circa 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, and Leia Organa, the Rebel protagonists, arrived at the tavern seeking to uncover information regarding the Imperials' activities on Belderone. While present, they faced an assault from assassins dispatched by General Andrid, but they successfully defended themselves.

During the Battle of Belderone, an Imperial AT-AT became detached from the conflict and went on a destructive path through the city. The tavern was utterly destroyed, resulting in Zana's death. The following morning, her son, Flint, found her deceased form amidst the tavern's ruins.

