Zeer, a member of Torrent Company, was a clone trooper serving within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars. He served as a combat engineer for Torrent Company during the Battle of Teth in 22 BBY, where he was one of only six clones to survive the engagement.
Identified as Zeer, this particular clone trooper functioned as a combat engineer within the Galactic Republic. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic's Torrent Company, a unit belonging to the battle-tested 501st Legion. In the year 22 BBY, he was part of a strike team with the objective of rescuing Rotta, the offspring of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, who had been taken by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. According to information obtained by Republic Intelligence, the young Hutt was being held within a former B'omarr Monastery located on the planet of Teth in the Outer Rim.

Under intense enemy fire, gunships delivered the troopers of the 501st to their designated area. Torrent Company landed at the base of the monastery, which was situated atop a massive cliff and heavily defended by various Confederacy forces. Driven to achieve their objective, Torrent Company, including Zeer, commenced their ascent up the cliff face, under the leadership of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. They suffered significant losses, including one of their AT-TEs, but ultimately succeeded in seizing control of the monastery. Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, successfully secured the Huttlet, but the Republic forces then faced an onslaught from numerous battle droids and were targeted by vulture droids. Torrent Company sustained further heavy casualties, along with the destruction of their remaining AT-TE walker.

The surviving clone troopers of Torrent Company braced themselves for a desperate defense against the inevitable Separatist counterattack. While Skywalker and Tano moved to evacuate the Huttlet, Torrent Company deployed explosive devices and tripwires to impede the Separatist advance. Shortly after the Jedi departed, droid forces bypassed the monastery's door controls and immediately launched an assault on the remaining troopers, who now numbered only a quarter of their initial deployment. The clones managed to inflict substantial casualties on the attacking droids, but were ultimately overwhelmed, with only six troopers surviving, including Zeer.

The last six clone troopers—Clone Captain Rex, Clone Sergeant Coric, Attie, Del, Nax, and Zeer—were captured by the Separatist forces and held outside the monastery under guard. When Rex received a communication from Skywalker, the clones seized the opportunity to attack their captors, destroying several droids and acquiring their weapons. The survivors sought cover behind the wreckage of the destroyed AT-TE as more battle droids arrived to engage the remaining members of Torrent Company. Zeer utilized his skills as a combat engineer to equip a super battle droid with explosives, programming it to return to its comrades before detonating. The resulting explosion caused significant damage to the Separatist forces, but they continued to relentlessly attack the clone's position. Just as the droids were closing in, a squadron of V-19 Torrent starfighters, led by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, engaged the attacking battle droids, destroying those closest to Torrent Company's position. Shortly thereafter, reinforcements from the 212th Attack Battalion arrived, successfully repelling the droid attack and rescuing Zeer and the remaining five members of Torrent Company.
Zeer, a male Human clone originating from the genetic template of bounty hunter Jango Fett, had a height of 1.83 meters. Even under the extreme pressures exerted by Confederacy forces, Zeer maintained his composure, and he was known to be humble about his mechanical aptitude. Clone Captain CT-7567 also observed that, when under duress, he tended to rely on pre-scripted "stock phrases," seemingly overwhelmed or frightened to think clearly, and instead requiring a prepared response.
The character of Zeer made his debut appearance in the 2008 novelization of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film penned by Karen Traviss.