Zorbia II

The planet known as Zorbia II existed within the Moddell sector of the Outer Rim Territories'; it was a terrestrial world. Its surface was composed of deserts, forests, and flat plains. This world was the homeworld of a Human group referred to as the Zorbian space pirates, whose origins appeared to be Corellian in nature. Their frequent attacks made the Zorbians a major problem for those in the Outer Moddell systems of that sector.


Zorbia II, sometimes called simply Zorbia, was a temperate terrestrial planet. It was the second planet from its star in the Zorbia system, which was part of the Outer Moddell systems. The Zorbia system was located within the Moddell sector, a subsectors within the Inner Zuma Region of the Zuma sector in the Outer Rim Territories'. It sat along the hyperlane called the Ovise Reach, which provided a route to both the Endor and Trindello systems, and was near the Monsua Nebula.

The planet possessed a Type I breathable atmosphere and strong gravity. Its surface consisted of forests, plains, and deserts. A local day on Zorbia II lasted twenty-eight standard hours, while a local year was 360 days. The world had no significant exports or imports.


The Zorbian space pirates, a group of Humans, considered Zorbia their homeworld. Thirty million of them lived on the planet, organized into clans with their own governance. The pirates' language seemed to originate from Corellian, but it remained unclear if Zorbia II was a lost colony of Corellia or the home of descendants of castaways. For centuries, even before the Galactic Republic's survey of the Inner Zuma region, the unorganized Zorbians had been a source of trouble in the Outer Moddell systems.

The pirates of Zorbia were known for attacking each other as well as starships traveling between Trindello, a nearby moon, and the planet of Ast Kikorie. Their raids occasionally extended into Wild Space and the Inner Moddell systems. The Zorbians were first encountered by the Republic using outdated spaceboats and slugthrowers, primitive technology level that they eventually surpassed; however, they remained disorganized. In 3 ABY, a group of Zorbians, led by Captain Krag, journeyed to the nearby Forest Moon of Endor and attacked the native sentient Ewoks.


Zorbia II featured two small spaceports.

Behind the scenes

The article "Endor and the Moddell Sector," written by Craig Robert Carey, Daniel Wallace, and Jason Fry, which appeared in the ninth issue of the Star Wars Gamer magazine on February 22, 2002, was the first mention of Zorbia II. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, placed the Zorbia system, and thus Zorbia II, within grid square H-16.


Notes and references
