2BR-NTB first appeared in "The Missing Agent," the twelfth episode of the second season of the Star Wars Resistance animated television series, which aired on December 22, 2019. The droid was referred to as "2B" within the episode's dialogue, but received their full designation, 2BR-NTB, in their StarWars.com Databank entry. The droid's concept art was developed by Stephanie Carey and based off an existing model titled "BB8A," which is BB-8's model for Star Wars Resistance, with changes made to the head and colors.
2BR-NTB first appeared in "The Missing Agent," the twelfth episode of the second season of the Star Wars Resistance animated television series, which aired on December 22, 2019. The droid was referred to as "2B" within the episode's dialogue, but received their full designation, 2BR-NTB, in their StarWars.com Databank entry. The droid's concept art was developed by Stephanie Carey and based off an existing model titled "BB8A," which is BB-8's model for Star Wars Resistance, with changes made to the head and colors.