The following events took place in the year 36 BBY, also known as 3241 LY according to the Lothal Calendar, 17 BFE in the Imperial calendar, and year 7941 in the C.R.C. calendar.
- Orson Callan Krennic and Galen Walton Erso meet for the first time.
- Réillata is elected for her first term as Queen of Naboo.
- Fanry is supposed to be released from jail.
- Sheev Palpatine invited Wilhuff Tarkin to enter politics. At that time, Finis Valorum had been re-elected Supreme Chancellor against expectations, yet, barely a year into his term, discussions began swirl that he would not be able to maintain his post. Palpatine's name emerged in that time as a possible successor.
- Thrawn and Ziara begin a campaign against Lioaoinpirates.
- Ahsoka Tano on Shili.
- The Official Star Wars Fact FilePart 18
- Star Wars Rebels: Visual Guide: Epic Battles
- Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide
- Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious
- Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away
- "A Certain Point of View" — Star Wars Insider 207
- Star Wars: Timelines