- Padmé Naberrie and her father help relocate the entire populace of Shadda-Bi-Boran. The populace later dies after they are unable to replicate Shadda-Bi-Boran's environment at their new home.
- The Trade Federation starts encroaching on Kashyyyk and its colony worlds, beginning a 20-year-long conflict with the Wookiees.
- GeneralBa'kif of the Chiss Ascendancy founds the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet.
- The ChissKivu'raw'nuru "Vurawn" is rematched as a merit adoptive of the Mitth family, changing his name to Mitth'raw'nuru and his core name to Thrawn.
- Sky-walkernavigatorAl'iastov loses her powers of precognition, known as "Third Sight."
- Thrawn meets the future SyndicMitth'ras'safis "Thrass" at his rematching dinner on Avidich.
- Cadet Thrawn is accused and acquitted of cheating on an exam at Taharim Academy .
- Sifo-Dyas joins the Jedi High Council. .