Arzo Suun

Arzo Suun was a Dathomirian Zabrak male from the planet Dathomir who was formerly part of a clan of the Nightbrothers, a colony of Zabrak warriors, during the Clone Wars. At some point, Suun escaped Dathomir. Prior to the Second Battle of Dathomir of 19 BBY, he hired fellow Nightbrother Ruul and a group of individuals to steal medical supplies, basic technology, and a long-range comms system for his former village leader, Mak Eak, from a warehouse-like building. While at the building, the group was caught by a group of Nightsisters, a clan of witches who commanded the Nightbrothers, led by Nelsel when she sensed their presence through the Force.

Arzo Suun was mentioned in Collapse of the Republic, a 2019 roleplaying sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series that was published by Fantasy Flight Games.

Behind the scenes

Arzo Suun was mentioned in Collapse of the Republic, a 2019 roleplaying sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series that was published by Fantasy Flight Games.


  • Collapse of the Republic
