During the period of conflict known as the Clone Wars, a Dathomirian Zabrak named Nelsel, who identified as female, was a part of the Nightsisters, a coven of witches who were sensitive to the Force. Originating from the world of Dathomir, they were recognized by their customary Nightsister robes and their use of the Nightsister energy bow.
Prior to the Second Battle of Dathomir, which occurred in 19 BBY, Arzo Suun, formerly of the Nightbrothers, a clan of warrior warriors, contracted fellow Nightbrothers Ruul and Mak Eak, along with another set of people, to attempt to steal resources from a warehouse-like building situated in the Nightbrother village atop a mountain. Nelsel, sensing their arrival with the Force, together with fellow Nightsisters, infiltrated the upper reaches of the building and apprehended the group.
Nelsel's name appeared within Collapse of the Republic, a supplemental roleplaying book for the Star Wars Roleplaying game series, released in 2019 by Fantasy Flight Games.