Arzo Suun was a male Zabrak from Dathomir, a planet, and a Dathomirian. He originated from a clan of Nightbrothers, a Zabrak warriors colony, during the Clone Wars. Suun managed to flee Dathomir at some point. Before the Second Battle of Dathomir in 19 BBY, he employed Ruul, another Nightbrother, along with a team, to steal essential technology, medical provisions, and a comms system with extended range from a warehouse-like building for Mak Eak, his previous village chief. During their time at the building, Nelsel, leading a group of Nightsisters (a witch clan overseeing the Nightbrothers), detected their presence via the Force, resulting in their capture.
Arzo Suun's name appeared in Collapse of the Republic, a roleplaying sourcebook released in 2019 for the Star Wars Roleplaying game series, brought to you by Fantasy Flight Games.