
Made up of dissatisfied surviving members of Clan Lok and other like-minded Mandalorians, the group was led by Mirli Lok and before the Raid on Darvannis, they would come into an alliance with King Petryph of Onderon. In exchange for contributing beast trophies to the Royal Hunting Lodge, Petryph allowed the Ash'ad to do as they pleased as they hunted the dangerous beasts for honor and glory, but he did not realize that Mirli and her followers held a low view of the King.

The Ash'ad would continue to do as they pleased during the war against Zakuul. However, after the war and the third Galactic War breaking out soon after, their location was discovered by Mandalore the Avenger, and to ensure the dishonor they brought upon the Clans, Shae tasked the Commander of the Alliance with destroying the Ash'ad and stripping them of their Beskar'gam to cleanse the stain of honor brought by them.

Eventually, the Ash'ad fell under the leadership of Durn Wynnward and joined the splinter faction known as the Hidden Chain, where they acted to conserved Mandalorian history and lore. They helped participate in the Attack on the Spirit of Vengeance II, where they tried to recover relics relevant to Mandalorian history.


The Ash'ad on Onderon

The Ash'ad on Onderon

Made up of dissatisfied surviving members of Clan Lok and other like-minded Mandalorians, the group was led by Mirli Lok and before the Raid on Darvannis, they would come into an alliance with King Petryph of Onderon. In exchange for contributing beast trophies to the Royal Hunting Lodge, Petryph allowed the Ash'ad to do as they pleased as they hunted the dangerous beasts for honor and glory, but he did not realize that Mirli and her followers held a low view of the King.

The Ash'ad would continue to do as they pleased during the war against Zakuul. However, after the war and the third Galactic War breaking out soon after, their location was discovered by Mandalore the Avenger, and to ensure the dishonor they brought upon the Clans, Shae tasked the Commander of the Alliance with destroying the Ash'ad and stripping them of their Beskar'gam to cleanse the stain of honor brought by them.

Eventually, the Ash'ad fell under the leadership of Durn Wynnward and joined the splinter faction known as the Hidden Chain, where they acted to conserved Mandalorian history and lore. They helped participate in the Attack on the Spirit of Vengeance II, where they tried to recover relics relevant to Mandalorian history.






