Clan Lok

Clan Lok was a Mandalorian group, as defined in Legends continuity, that existed before the Great Galactic War commenced between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Artus Lok was a member of this clan; he later became known as Mand'alor, the traditional title for the leader of all Mandalorian clans, after he challenged and killed the previous Mand'alor. During the Cold War era, Artus, who was now called Mandalore the Vindicated, invited the most recent Grand Champion of the Great Hunt to join Clan Lok, an offer that was accepted without hesitation.

During the Eternal Empire conquest of the galaxy, Clan Lok directly confronted and battled the invaders. However, the Eternal Empire inflicted severe losses upon them, and Mandalore the Vindicated died in combat, overwhelmed by skytroopers. The Clan subsequently dispersed, and a prejudice against droids arose due to Mandalore's demise. Subsequently, the new Mandalore, Mandalore the Avenger, devised a plan to attack the Eternal Empire's factory located on Darvannis to replenish their armaments. However, Mirli Lok opposed this plan, deeming it dishonorable to fight against mere droids and preferring a direct confrontation with Zakuul. Mirli successfully persuaded others to secede from Vizla's command, thereby establishing the Ash'ad. They then journeyed to Onderon to hunt the planet's dangerous creatures in pursuit of honor and glory, but they were ultimately slain by the Alliance Commander under Mandalore's orders. The surviving members of the Ash'ad, under the leadership of Durn Wynnward, were absorbed into the splinter group known as the Hidden Chain.

Behind the scenes

Clan Lok made its first appearance in Star Wars Legends material, though initially unnamed, within the massively-multiplayer online game Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare and launched on December 20, 2011. The companion book, Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, identified this Mandalorian clan by the name "Lok."

