Aubin Kleej's mother

A female individual and the Gotal Goethar Kleej were the parents of the Gotal Aubin Kleej. Around when the Mandalorian Wars ignited, the woman and the rest of her family were captured by the Crucible, a violent enslavement organization. Aubin had difficulties sorting through the extra-sensory signals that Gotals received through their cones, so he relied heavily on his mother to function on a daily basis.

Aubin's dependency was particularly pronounced after Chantique, the leader of the enslavement ring, severed Goethar's horns, depriving him of cone-reliant sensory information and the ability to connect with his son on that level. The mother was later killed by the Crucible, resulting in her son's descent into silent agony. Around 3963 BBY, Goethar recounted the woman's death and its effect on their family to the former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick.

Aubin Kleej's mother was mentioned in the fortieth issue of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic series. The issue was written by John Jackson Miller and released by Dark Horse Comics on April 22, 2009.

Behind the scenes

Aubin Kleej's mother was mentioned in the fortieth issue of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic series. The issue was written by John Jackson Miller and released by Dark Horse Comics on April 22, 2009.



