Axion (Zakuul)

In 3628 BBY, the newly established Consul Axion sent a message to the Alliance Commander stating that Zakuul would be withdrawing from the Eternal Alliance. Axion also used the opportunity to condemn Vinn Atrius's actions against the Eternal Alliance, but also admitted that, like Atrius, many on Zakuul also held the same resentment towards the Alliance. Axion assured the Commander that they would most likely relinquish control of any colony worlds gained by the Eternal Empire and seek alliances with other worlds instead. Axion ended the message by saying that he hoped that the Alliance and Zakuul could negotiate a trade agreement beneficial to both governments.

Axion was mentioned in "The future," a codex entry for BioWare's 2011 massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, specifically the 2018 5.9 The Nathema Conspiracy update to the 2016 Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion.

Behind the scenes

Axion was mentioned in "The future," a codex entry for BioWare's 2011 massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, specifically the 2018 5.9 The Nathema Conspiracy update to the 2016 Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion.



