During the Clone Wars, a BD-3000 known as the Hologram VJ hosted a music program which broadcast across the galaxy. Her show was popular among the Republic's clone troopers, and she sometimes dedicated songs to particular units, such as the Mud-Jumpers of the 224th. Another luxury droid was used as a cloaked decoy for Senator Padmé Amidala. Trade Federation Senator Lott Dod owned a pair of golden BD-3000s.
Two BD-3000 droids, Carly and J'Nell once occupied Takodana Castle on Takodana, serving as judges in Strono Tuggs' cooking competition. The pair were also responsible for the murder of Chef Robbs Ely.
- Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 5
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 30
- Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles
- Star Wars: Droidography