Bray (stormtrooper)

Bray was a human male flametrooper who held the rank of captain in the First Order Stormtrooper Corps. During the Cold War, after a group of creatures attacked personnel in one of the tunnels on Starkiller Base, Bray served as the commanding officer of a cleaning crew deployed to remove the "infestation." Prior to the operation, one of the crew's stormtroopers, FN-2187, asked what they what be facing, but Bray had no information for the soldier.

Once they were inside the tunnel, the crew was attacked by the creatures, and Bray was overwhelmed. To save his captain, FN-2187 used Bray's flamethrower to kill the animals attacking him, although the trooper burned him in the process. When it seemed like their mission was complete, Bray ordered FN-2187 to clean up the creature's remains and, thinking that the trooper thought himself above the task, threatened to reassign the trooper to be a trash guard if he complained. However, FN-2187 ultimately discovered that the creatures were actually a native species, so the stormtrooper went to Bray and suggested moving the animals. As the Captain believed the animals were worthless and thought FN-2187 was complaining, Bray punished the trooper by ordering him to guard trash heading to the Garbage Moon of Maher. However, FN-2187 had planned to anger Bray, as he could now release some of the creatures to safety on the moon.

"Infestation" on Starkiller Base

Captain Bray speaks with FN-2187 about the so-called "infestation."

Captain Bray speaks with FN-2187 about the so-called "infestation."

During the Cold War, Bray served as a captain and flametrooper in the armed forces of the First Order, the successor state to the Galactic Empire, aboard its Starkiller Base superweapon, which was built into the Unknown Regions world of Ilum. After one of Starkiller's construction units encountered a so-called "infestation" of creatures while working on a flood chamber, Bray and a cleaning crew of stormtroopers were deployed to remedy the situation. The animals had eaten two First Order personnel, leaving only one survivor, but Bray's men were unable to get any information from him. To help Bray's operation, Captain Phasma assigned troopers FN-2187 and FN-3761 to his crew.

Upon arriving at Deck Nine, FN-2187 was confused as to why a cleaning crew was made up of troopers, but Bray, while testing his flamethrower, informed him that they were dealing with an infestation capable of eating people. As Bray had no other information for the stormtrooper, he allowed FN-2187 to speak with the only survivor of the creature's attack. By the time Bray called for the crew to go, the survivor had not said anything useful, but he then warned FN-2187 that the "infestation" had teeth.

Into the tunnel

Captain Bray is overwhelmed by the creatures.

Captain Bray is overwhelmed by the creatures.

Before entering the tunnel, Bray informed his stormtroopers that they would be fighting in the dark and rejected FN-3761's idea of using explosives in the tunnel, believing the chamber was worth more to the First Order than the trooper was. After the soldiers entered the tunnel, using floodlights to see ahead, the creatures attacked with a sonic scream. The animals soon appeared and began to overwhelm Bray, causing the stormtrooper officer to fall and drop his flamethrower.

Seeing his commanding officer in trouble, FN-2187 took the fallen flamethrower fired it at Bray and the creatures, believing Bray would be safe due to his heat-resistant flametrooper armor. Bray was burned, but the animals attacking him were all killed. Afterwards, it seemed like the infestation had been cleared out, so Bray ordered for the troopers to withdraw, although he wanted FN-2187 to bring in a trash skiff and clean up the mess. When FN-2187 asked if he had received the job was because he had burned Bray, the Captain perceived the query to mean that the stormtrooper felt like he was above the job. Bray snapped at the trooper and said that nothing was above a task that served the First Order. Bray then threatened FN-2187 by saying that, if he said anything else that sounded like a complaint, the stormtrooper would be tasked with escorting trash.

Reassigning FN-2187

As FN-2187 had hoped, Captain Bray reassigned him to be a guard on a ship heading to the trash moon.

As FN-2187 had hoped, Captain Bray reassigned him to be a guard on a ship heading to the trash moon.

During clean up duty, FN-2187 felt he did not deserve the job, noting to himself that Bray was only slightly on fire. However, the stormtrooper encountered the creatures again and discovered that they were actually a native species. Knowing that the creatures would be killed upon discovery, he devised a plan to get them off the planet. FN-2187 reunited with the crew and, despite being warned that the Captain was angry, told Bray that they should save the animals. Thinking the stormtrooper was complaining again, Bray snapped at the trooper and fulfilled his earlier threat, as he reassigned FN-2187 to protect trash going to the Garbage Moon of Maher.

However, FN-2187 had planned to be sent away and brought some of the creatures with him. After arriving at the garbage ship, FN-2187 told its owner, Marialew, that he had been given the job because he burned his captain, which she joked was enough to warrant it. When they reached the moon, FN-2187 and Marialew dropped the animals off with some of their own kind, as some creatures were already on-site due to previous excavations. Ultimately, FN-2187's act of defiance was not his last, as he went onto desert the First Order and join General Leia Organa's Resistance.

Personality and traits

While Captain Bray had a strong loyalty to the First Order, he believed his stormtroopers were expendable.

While Captain Bray had a strong loyalty to the First Order, he believed his stormtroopers were expendable.

Bray was a bald human male with dark skin. He served as a captain in the First Order's Stormtrooper Corps and had an individual name, which was a rarity among the organization's membership. The flametrooper was a loyal soldier and believed no one was above a task that served the First Order. However, he also believed that the Order's individual stormtroopers were not its most valuable asset, so Bray was fine with bringing them into danger if it meant saving something deemed to be more important. His loyalty to the First Order also meant he had no qualms about killing a native species for the future of Starkiller Base, going as far as to believe the creatures were worthless.

Captain Bray could also grow angry at his soldiers. He punished FN-2187 for what he viewed to be complaints, and, when FN-2187 tried to explain himself, he cut him off. FN-2187 even believed that Bray gave him clean up duty out of anger. Bray also had at least a slight sense of humor, as, after he was burned by FN-2187, the Captain looked up and said "Ow."


Captain Bray uses his D-93 Incinerator flamethrower.

Captain Bray uses his D-93 Incinerator flamethrower.

Bray used the standard issue D-93 Incinerator flamethrower and heat-resistant armor worn by First Order flametroopers, although he also donned a pauldron to show his rank of captain. Part of his armor was his flametrooper helmet, which he referred to as a "bucket."

Behind the scenes

Bray first appeared in Age of Resistance - Finn 1, written by Tom Taylor and illustrated by Ramon Rosanas. The comic was released on July 3, 2019.



