Dias Athacorr was created by John Jackson Miller, the author of the Knights of the Old Republic comics, and was mentioned in The Admiral's List: Jimas Veltraa Memorial Edition, appended to Knights of the Old Republic 13. This in-universe news source is designed as "an official communique for the Republic providing news from the 'regular navy' point of view," inspired by the "Napoleonic-era Britain's Naval Chronicle." Some of the promotions presented here are said to be confirmations of ones received on the battlefield, but it is not specified which these are or which are regular promotions. While the original source only gave Athacorr a homeworld, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia specified the officer was of the Arkanian species.
Dias Athacorr was created by John Jackson Miller, the author of the Knights of the Old Republic comics, and was mentioned in The Admiral's List: Jimas Veltraa Memorial Edition, appended to Knights of the Old Republic 13. This in-universe news source is designed as "an official communique for the Republic providing news from the 'regular navy' point of view," inspired by the "Napoleonic-era Britain's Naval Chronicle." Some of the promotions presented here are said to be confirmations of ones received on the battlefield, but it is not specified which these are or which are regular promotions. While the original source only gave Athacorr a homeworld, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia specified the officer was of the Arkanian species.
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia