
Arkanians were a sentient species of near-human beings originating from the planet Arkania. Their physical characteristics included skin tones ranging from tan to pale, along with predominantly white hair and distinct pale white eyes. Notable individuals of this species include Urma Athantras, Reeshee Irway, and Jedi Initiate Cippa Tarko.

Biology and appearance

The planet Arkania served as the point of origin for the Arkanian people. Their evolution in a frigid environment resulted in the development of infrared vision. For thousands of years, Arkanian scientists demonstrated expertise in the field of genetic engineering. Through extensive medical experimentation spanning numerous centuries, the species produced various genetic offshoots, which they often viewed as inferior versions of themselves, sometimes even as slaves. In most respects, Arkanians bore a resemblance to humans, with the exception of their pale white eyes and clawed digits on their hands. Their capacity to perceive the infrared spectrum resulted in heightened visual sensitivity. While advantageous on their dark and cold homeworld, this sensitivity often necessitated the use of polarized lenses or blinders in certain environments.

Society and culture

Arkanian society operated under a strict caste system. This system emphasized pure bloodlines and sharp, logical thinking, while discouraging any displays of weakness or imperfection. The Tarkos family stood out as one of the most distinguished families within Arkanian society. When questioned about what she missed most about Arkania, the Arkanian Visma Tarko expressed a lack of understanding of the question. A defining characteristic of the Arkanian species was their inherent arrogance, rooted in their conviction of genetic purity. This often manifested as arrogance and pride in the eyes of others, as they considered themselves superior to all other species. Consequently, outsiders frequently encountered Arkanians who expected deference and respect.

Arkanian society placed a high value on intellectual pursuits, leading to many members of the species becoming highly proficient scientists and academics. They were willing to exploit their bioengineering advancements for financial gain, selling biological weapons to the highest bidders. However, a considerable minority of Arkanians strongly opposed the use of their advancements for such heinous purposes. These individuals believed that achieving moral perfection was essential alongside physiological and technological perfection to attain a state of complete perfection.

Arkanian scientists gained renown for their expertise in genetic manipulation, which led to the creation of the Arkanian Offshoots, engineered to serve their pure-blooded masters. These offshoots were bred in various forms as living experiments and were not recognized as "true Arkanians." They typically endured short lives with no prospect of being regarded as anything more than slaves or pets.


As Arkanians evolved on Arkania over time, they acquired infrared vision. Ancient Arkanian scientists were responsible for creating the Quermian species from the Xexto. They then settled them on the planet [Quermia](/article/quermia], from which the species derived its name. Eventually, the Arkanians departed, allowing the Quermians to develop their own distinct society.

