
The durni was a small rabbitlike creature that lived underground in the old Selonian tunnels of Corellia.

A slang term in use in the galaxy during the Galactic Civil War was dust durni, which was used to refer to a large pile of dust.


After the Battle of Yavin, Doctor Maldien conducted illegal and highly dangerous bioengineering experiments in a laboratory on Corellia to create very aggressive and intelligent creatures. This included engineered durnis.

Around the same time, fiendish durnis overran an abandoned bunker near Kor Vella. The scientist Lejo Daramus paid the spacer to rid the place of the creatures in order to use the place to conduct his research.

During the Galactic Civil War, the man known as Galvain Tark trained three durnis as racing durnis. At some point they were stolen by the criminals of the Chirq Council but they were finally recovered by a spacer.

The Bith Carson Vance owned a pet Durni, which was called Peaches.

Behind the scenes

Concept art for Star Wars Galaxies.

Concept art for Star Wars Galaxies.

Durni appeared in the video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011.




