Dynamic Synergetics Incorporated, also known by the abbreviated name Dyn Synerge, was a subsidiary to the highly important InterGalactic Banking Clan commerce guild. By 19 BBY, the conclusive year of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance, a state of embezzlement within the Banking Clan had rendered Dyn Synerge bankrupt alongside several of the company's other subsidiaries.
The bankruptcy was later discovered by Republic Senator Padmé Amidala and Banking Clan member Rush Clovis during their mission to the planet Scipio in the Outer Rim Territories to uncover the commerce guild's suspected embezzlement. Upon their discovery, the Republic senator understood that the Banking Clan's state had to be immediately revealed to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, which had been a result of the embezzlement.
Dynamic Synergetics Incorporated was introduced in the current Star Wars canon via a datascreen in Aurebesh in "An Old Friend," the fifth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' sixth season, which aired on March 7, 2014. In the episode, the subsidiary was identified as "Dyn Synerge" on the datascreen. It was later given its full name in the corresponding episode guide on StarWars.com. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Dynamic Synergetics, Inc. was introduced in Planet of the Mists, a 1992 adventure supplement authored by Nigel D. Findley for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and published by West End Games.
Dynamic Synergetics Incorporated was introduced in the current Star Wars canon via a datascreen in Aurebesh in "An Old Friend," the fifth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' sixth season, which aired on March 7, 2014. In the episode, the subsidiary was identified as "Dyn Synerge" on the datascreen. It was later given its full name in the corresponding episode guide on StarWars.com. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Dynamic Synergetics, Inc. was introduced in Planet of the Mists, a 1992 adventure supplement authored by Nigel D. Findley for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and published by West End Games.